UPNVJ Academic Data Verification Runs Confidently

Jakarta - Regarding the official announcement on the http://pengumuman.snmptn.ac.id/ page, it can be accessed to find out the results of the 2018 State Higher Education Entrance National Selection (SNMPTN). UPN "Veteran" Jakarta carries out Academic Verification at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ, from 19 to 20 April 2018.


This academic data verification starts at 09.00 to 16.00 by bringing the original report card and a photocopy that has been legalized by the school principal from grades X to XII (semester 1 to 5), legalized photocopy of school accreditation and carrying the 2018 SNMPTN card.

The activity went smoothly and conducively with the help of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Verification team.


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