Improving Human Resources, UPNVJ Conducts Managerial Competency Mapping Assessment

asesmen_pemetaan_manajerial_(1).JPG HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve the quality of Human Resources at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, the general and financial divisions carry out the Managerial Competency Mapping Assessment of UPNVJ Employees at Gaida Consultant, Poltangan Raya, South Jakarta. A total of 33 participants including section heads and sub-section heads took part in the employee competency assessment which lasted for two days on 10-11 October 2018.

This assessment activity is in collaboration with Gaida Consultant, a party trusted to carry out the assessment. In this case, Srijanto as the Director of Gaida Consultant said that this competency assessment is mainly to measure or evaluate managerial competencies possessed by officials, the results of this assessment can be used as a basis for placing and viewing potential employees for promotion.

"Competencies that are disclosed are more for measuring behavior and the criteria must be valid. From all the data collected, the assessor will later integrate it so that we can make an assessment. The benefit is that the capabilities of existing human resources will later be in accordance with agency criteria and agencies can run better as well as potential employees who will be considered for promotion," said Srijanto when interviewed. asesmen_pemetaan_manajerial_(3).jpg

Activities are divided into three activities, namely working on general simulation questions, group simulations to measure how interested the person concerned is in tasks that require teamwork or cooperation in managing thinking, managing tasks, managing other people and how to manage yourself, then conducting more interviews depth to explore the experiences experienced by participants during the last 2 to 3 years.


Drs. Haryanto as the Head of the UPNVJ Administrative and Household Subdivision who was one of the participants in this activity conveyed the benefits he got from carrying out a managerial competence mapping assessment, "This event is very useful as a reference or consideration for leaders to assess officials so that they fit the criteria that exist in agencies and can support progress at UPNVJ. The questions given are technical in nature according to their respective main tasks from the experience of the last 2 to 3 years," he said.


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