Exit Meeting of BPKP Representative of DKI Jakarta Province with UPN "Veteran" Jakarta


Public RelationsUPNVJ - BPKP Representative for DKI Jakarta Province held an Exit Meeting with the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University, Friday (12/10/2018).

BPKP Exit meeting for DKI Jakarta Province in order to evaluate BIDIKMISI and PPA educational assistance at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University. BPKP was received directly by the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc, Eng and staff

"There are several points that the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta wants to discuss with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Representative BPKP, one of which is the accuracy of targeting aid recipients," said Lisa Parlina Ekowati as the Supervision Coordinator.

In addition, Lisa also added that evaluations carried out directly between the University and BPKP could further improve the business processes for managing bidikmisi scholarships and PPA, "We hope that in the future the results of our evaluation and meetings between the University and BPKP can further improve the business processes for managing bidikmisi scholarships and PPA, he said.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc, Eng, admitted that he was greatly helped by things like this because there were directions and guidance from the BPKP, "We, UPN "Veterans" Jakarta, feel helped by things like this, because it is a spirit for UPN Jakarta "Veteran" in implementing BIDIKMISI and PPA educational assistance, "he explained.

Six members of the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPKP evaluation team were present, including Lisa Prlina Ekowati as Supervision coordinator, Darwin Napitupulu, Endang Iskandar, Titik Indriyati, Edy Hasyim, and Nanda Lubis.


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