HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta through the UPNVJ Internal Oversight Unit section, held a Workshop on "Compilation of Government Agency Performance Accountability Systems (SAKIP) and Performance Reports (LAKIN), as well as Discussion on the Formulation of Calculation of Excess Teaching Hours (KJM)" in the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, on 28 – 29 September 2018.
The workshop was opened by UPNVJ Chancellor Eddy S. Siradj. In his opening he said "Hopefully with this workshop we can equalize our perceptions, and this is a way out of the differences that we have felt so far. With this briefing, hopefully we can work according to existing procedures and carry out our duties as servants of the state properly without any significant findings," he said.
(Main Auditor of State Finance III BPK RI)
A total of 16 PTNB representatives from all over Indonesia attended this Workshop, presenting six speakers, namely Wigit Jatmiko (Head of Accountability & Reporting Subdivision I, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Planning Bureau), Yulia Setia Lestari (Performance Accountability Analyst, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Planning Bureau), Dr. Yohannes Indrayono, Ak., MM (Inspector III Inspector General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education), Dr. Blucer W. Rajagukguk, CA (Main Auditor of State Finance III BPK RI), Deddy Wibowo, SE. M.Si (Head of Ristekdikti III, Director General of Budget, Ministry of Finance), and Ir. Yustamri, MS (Inspectorate Auditor II, Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).
Ediwarman as Head of the UPNVJ Internal Monitoring Unit said “The main motivation for holding this Workshop is because there are different perceptions among all of us. The goal is that SAKIP and LAKIN, which are government programs, can also be understood by PTNBs throughout Indonesia with the same perception," he said in his interview.