Visit of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to Pasar Minggu Hospital


KUNJUNGAN_RSUD_2.jpg HumasUPNVJ - In order to support the academic process, the Faculty of Medicine UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has collaborated with several hospitals as educational facilities, one of which is Pasar Minggu Hospital, South Jakarta. Located at Pasar Minggu Hospital, Monday, October 15 2018 UPNVJ Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc accompanied by Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA as Deputy Chancellor for general and finance, Head of General Affairs & Finance Bureau, Head of AKPK Bureau, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Medicine.

Pasar Minggu Regional General Hospital cooperates in the fields of service, education, research, and community service with the Faculty of Medicine UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The RSUD hopes that this collaboration can run smoothly in the future. "We hope that this hospital can also support education at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta," said the deputy director of Pasar Minggu Hospital.



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