Ready to Provide Excellent (Faster, Better) and Ethical Service Standards


Last weekend, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta held a 'Service Excellence Workshop' at the Permata Bogor Hotel with the theme "Ready to Provide Excellent Service Standards (Faster, Better) and Ethics". This workshop presented Chairani Silalahi as a trainer.

Chairani said that the workshop was attended by 60 participants, consisting of representatives from each work unit from both the rectorate and faculties. This workshop was officially opened by the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA.

Chairani also explained that there were many benefits and goals for participating in this workshop in everyday life. Apart from that, it will make individuals successful not only at work but in everyday life," he said

through this workshop, the participants were motivated to change their mindset , one of which was regarding service-based communication including Respect, Empathy, Audible, Clarity, and Humble . In addition, the appearance is also very concerned in serving.

At the end of the workshop , an award was also given in the form of a trophy for the group with the highest points as well as motivational book prizes and t-shirts.

It is hoped that with this workshop, participants will be able to transform the services they have been doing so far in a better direction, providing satisfying service to all UPN "Veteran" Jakarta academics to meet their needs in the best way.



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