Grace Bintang S: Dear my lecturers


When you hear the word "Teacher" you feel a drop of emotion falling on your cheek. This role model who is always admired and imitated always brings sweet and emotional memories that will surely be remembered by students, students or everyone in any part of the world. An unsung hero, a reformer, an opener to the horizons of thought, who always brings sweet memories for his students and students, including me who will soon graduate from the Masters of Law Program at the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPN Veteran Jakarta). .

In the past...actually, when I entered the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Master of Law (MH) Program, I did not really expect that the University which had just changed its status to PTN would have good lecturers, but it turned out that my view was wrong and far from reality. The lecturers at MH UPNVJ are very dedicated, very democratic, humble and like the lyrics in the Guru Hymn they are like "cooling dew in thirst" which opens my horizons of thinking as a student. For this reason, in order to celebrate Teacher's Day, I will share the teachings and things that are recorded in my memory as my thanks to them:

1. Mr Alm. Dr. M. Ali Zaidan, SH, M. Hum

Even though my former supervisor passed away last July, I really admire his many thoughts and ideas. The thought of this lecturer who likes to read up to "all book titles" and even the "publishers" he knows by heart, is the idea of, "Punishment That Does Not Degrade Human Dignity and Dignity".

This father who is very high in religious tolerance once gave me advice which turned out to be taken from a verse in the Al Quran Surah Al Maidah, namely, "Don't Your Hatred of a People Encourage You to Be Unfair".

One more thing that impressed the most from this gentleman was that every paper assignment in his course had to be "handwritten" .... because he said he didn't want students to plagiarize other people's work, because it was so easy to copy and paste with the development of the internet.

By writing by hand, it is hoped that students will simultaneously read what he has written, but of course every assignment Mr. Ali makes our hands ache from writing...hahaha. It's a very good figure to be a role model.

2. Col. CKM Purn. Hj, Dr. Zawiah Ramlie, SKM, MH

This beautiful, youthful, smart female lecturer is the female lecturer I admire the most at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Why is that? It was because of this mother that I received a lot of input regarding the concept of "Ultimum Remidium" in the application of criminal sanctions, which I now use as the material for my thesis.

According to this beautiful lecturer who is very energetic and teaches the subject "Environmental Law", all criminal sanctions must be placed in the last position or the ultimate weapon in the application of sanctions in the realm of criminal law. The application of other sanctions must take precedence over criminal sanctions. So punishment must start from the lightest punishment first and lead to the heaviest punishment, namely imprisonment and death penalty. I call it by the nickname "Mother Ultimum Remidium" , hahaha....

One more thing that I admire the most about this lecturer is, if we are given the task of making a paper, she will immediately know if we make the paper "Tracing" or "Copying and Pasting" hahaha.

Ms. Zawiah is like a "Walking Turnitin Application" . Every time there was a student he suspected of plagiarizing he would immediately say. Adi, don't you dare plagiarize and copy and paste assignments in Mrs. Zawiah's course because she will immediately know where you copied from and what university you came from hahaha. One more thing, maybe this mother doesn't know that her students really love her...because in my class group Ibu Za is called "Ayang Mami". We Love U so much Ibu Za....

3. Mr. Dr. Handoyo Prasetyo, SH, MH

I gave this gentleman the nickname "Father of Corporations" , because his eyes would light up when we talked about "Corporate Crime". A person who is very smart, disciplined, dedicated and punctual and his dedication to the world of education is what I really admire.

Actually, as a high-ranking officer in an automotive company, I'm actually a bit surprised because he wants to use his Saturday off to teach for a fee that maybe isn't much.

However, from the way this gentleman teaches and always arrives on time to teach, even earlier than his students, one can see his "sincerity" and soul calling as a teacher who wants to share his knowledge with many people.

There are many great and extraordinary theories and thoughts from the figure of Pak Handoyo, he explained the concept of the inability of "the State to punish the State" so that it is very difficult to punish State Enterprises (BUMN) as corporations in Corruption Crimes, about reviving "Civil Death" to punish corruptors and about the possibility of punishing the nuclear families of corruption convicts and many other things that I cannot mention one by one, because later the father will scold him for spreading his new theory... hahaha...

But one thing that I remember the most about Mr. Handoyo is because I once fell on the sidewalk of UPN because I ran because I was afraid I would be late for my thesis guidance with this gentleman, because I know, "There is no word rubber clock" for Mr. Handoyo. If you make an appointment at 8 am, then at 7 am or even 6.30, Pak Handoyo is already on campus, and if we don't show up he will wait while drinking black coffee without sugar....Gubrakkkks....hahahahaha....Indeed even though we were late, this kind gentleman was never angry and even still managed to smile, but seeing him waiting, as a student, I already felt that I was being given a punishment that was heavier than a hundred lashes. Duhh....

4. Mr. Dr. Imam Haryanto, SH, MH

One thing that I really admire about this man who teaches "Sociology of Law" is that he is very democratic, humble and considers his students as colleagues or friends so that we never feel reluctant to ask him anything. There will be no sleepy words in this lecture, the lecturer who is good at singing, because he always inserts jokes or jokes that make our eyes bright again with laughter.

Another thing that I really remember from this father is that even though he is a man he really respects "women's rights". In one session of the Sociology of Law course, he once criticized the Indonesian habit of giving dowries with "a set of prayer tools".

While joking, he said, "Indeed, the father and mother of the married woman raised their child with a set of prayer tools?" ha ha ha....

What he criticizes is that in giving a dowry apart from a set of prayer tools there should be money or items of value given to the woman so that if one day the husband suddenly dies, leaves the woman or divorces the woman, the woman has savings that can be used to finance herself and her children.

He also said that giving a large dowry would certainly reduce divorce cases because with a large amount of dowry, the husband would think a hundred times about divorcing his wife, besides that it would definitely reduce the number of early marriages, because the prospective groom would be better prepared in advance. raising money for the wedding dowry.

It's a very good idea that can be implemented in the future. Salute to Mr. Imam....

5. Mr Prof. Dr. Bambang Waluyo, SH, MH

Even though he has a petite stature, in terms of firmness and discipline, I must give this one a thumbs up. Apart from always being on time in his lectures, we are not allowed to take out cellphones or gadgets in any form at all, because if not, Pak Bambang will get angry and say, "Your cellphone, I can buy a hundred of them..." hahaha.

There is one thing that I really admire about this gentleman because he "memorized the numbers and years of all laws and regulations" and was never wrong. He always encourages students to read diligently and know the latest laws and know their contents in general terms, but it's also impossible for students to be as diligent and as diligent as Mr. Bambang hahaha, because if all students are diligent they will all become professors like Mr. Bambang. Always healthy, sir....

6. Mr. Dr. Henson Gunawan, SH, MH

The teacher of Law Theory, who is always energetic, is nicknamed by his students as "Father Out of the Box" , because this gentleman always teaches and encourages his students to think "out of the box", think differently, think outside the box and make various theories. new concepts and innovations, especially in the field of law.

Once upon a time in the UPNVJ canteen I heard my freshman students say, "Haduuhhh, this is a lot of work from Mr. Out of The Box", they said. I also laughed along with my classmates because it turns out that it's not just me who calls Mr. Henson the Father of Out of The Box....hahaha....

In fact, Mr. Henson remembered many things because he often repeated them in lectures, until they stuck and stuck in his head and probably will not be forgotten for the rest of his life apart from "Out of The Box", namely UBUNTU, Mala in Se and Mala in Prohibita .

Ubuntu is a philosophy from South Africa about humanity and human equality, Mala in Se, which is an evil act based on common sense or norms in society, and mala in prohibita, which is an evil act because it is determined by law.

Many of the most basic things in Legal Theory that were repeated by Mr. Henson that I just realized are indeed very basic that jurists must know and can certainly be applied in society. Thank you very much Mr. Henson....

Law is closely related to education, because punishment is a method of education besides reward. Those are some of the lecturers who, in my opinion, made a deep impression during my studies at the UPNVJ Master of Laws. To all lecturers at the Faculty of Law UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, my undergraduate lecturer at FHUI, my teachers at SD, SMP, SMA and all teachers and lecturers in Indonesia, I wish you a HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY. My respects and respect are always for UNSIGNED HEROES...who have given me knowledge and knowledge from childhood to today...Thank you my teacher...Happy Teacher's Day.

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