UPNVJ in Dian Didaktika University Expo activities


HumasUPNVJ - Thursday, 01 November 2018 The UPNVJ Public Relations Team attended an invitation to take part in the Dian Didaktika University Expo which lasted for two days starting today, Thursday 01 November - Friday 02 November 2018 which is located at Dian Didaktika Islamic High School, Cinere Depok. This activity began with an explanation presented by the UPNVJ Public Relations team (Wibisono, Anisa and Disa Prihantini). In the presentation delivered, UPNVJ Public Relations explained various things starting from the history of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta campus, existing faculties, infrastructure, campus accreditation, student activity units to the PTN entry process. Apart from that, UPNVJ's public relations also provided some tips on getting into college for class XI and class XII students.


After the presentation, the UPNVJ public relations team also opened a stand to make it easier for students to interact in getting information. The enthusiasm of the students who were present could be seen from their activeness when asking questions about the majors and faculties they wanted.

There are several PTNs that also provide presentations besides the UPNVJ campus, namely UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Andalas University etc.


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