UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Faculty of Medicine Senate Open Session The 56th Doctor's Inauguration and Oath Ceremony


UPNVJ Public Relations - Tuesday (30/10/2018), the Faculty of Medicine Senate Open Session for the 56th Doctor's Inauguration and Oath Ceremony in 2018 was held at the Menara 165 building, Jakarta and took place solemnly and smoothly. There were as many as 80 doctors who were appointed.

In his remarks, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA as the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta advised that as a doctor who graduated from the UPNVJ campus, he also has a special advantage, namely having the spirit and soul of defending the country which must underlie every behavior and action and hopes that he will continue to maintain the value of defending the country from his alma mater UPNVJ.

Dean of FK UPNVJ Dr. Dr. Prijo Sidipratomo, Sp.Rad started his remarks by thanking several hospitals that collaborated with UPNVJ so that the ongoing inauguration and oath-taking went well. He also hopes that the doctors who graduated from the UPNVJ campus will still have the feeling and spirit of defending the country wherever they are. He also explained that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.O, which always goes hand in hand with technology, one must adhere to the medical code of ethics.

dr. Murni Eria, as a new doctor representative as well as the best graduate from the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine batch 56, also shared several things in the learning process that she and her friends had been taking for about six years. He also thanked all the support he received during his education. There is one message that was also given by dr. Purely for his colleagues, namely "When we are praised, we are proud of it, don't feel high, don't look down on other people, don't think we are the greatest, but make the praise, praise, pride, and trust of others to convince ourselves that we are capable we can become true doctors, we can become trustworthy doctors and if we encounter failure, don't give up and give up quickly, use failure as a reminder so that we can be even better.”




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