Implementation of Witness Activities First Party Professional Certification Institution (LSP-P1) UPN "Veteran" Jakarta


HumasUPNVJ - Wednesday 5 December 2018, the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Professional Certification Institute (LSP - P1) carried out LSP - PI UPNVJ Competency Test Witness . Which took place in the Nusantara Meeting Room 1 Campus UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Present at the event was the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA, Arnando Sihombing as Chair of BNSP and members of assessors and LP3M UPNVJ.

The Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in his remarks said "hopefully the witnessing of the witnees test can run smoothly, the Chancellor further said that this LSP activity has been running from April to now and so far there have been seventeen schemes out of 26 study programs that have is at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and 3 Study Programs are still new. And today as many as 13 schemes will be tested and for the future 17 schemes. I hope that as soon as possible the graduates of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta will have competency certification for 23 study programs," he said.

While the Head of BNSP in his speech said "to get certification, you have to do Competency Testing ( Witness ) directly and at this point there have been 128 universities that have received certification" he said. In this implementation he only ensures field tests at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and continues to maintain data confidentiality.


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