UPNVJ 2019 Anniversary Opened with Chess Competition, Archive Order and Blood Donation Activities

HumasUPNVJ - Entering the age of 56 on January 7 2019, the Committee for the 59th Anniversary of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta began holding various activities and competitions which took place December 4 to January 10 2019. These activities are divided into 2 Academic and Non-Academic fields . In addition, there are also various additional activities such as tree planting, joint sports, bazaars, social services and pilgrimage activities to TMP Kalibata to commemorate National Defense Day on December 19.

With the theme "Forward Together to Achieve Achievements", the Anniversary activity began with various competitions, namely the Archive Order Competition, Chess Competition and Blood Donation activities which took place at UPNVJ on Wednesday (05/12/18).



In the opening of the UPNVJ Chancellor's Blood Donation activity, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak., CPMA., CA gave her speech. He said that "the blood donation activity that was carried out was one of the implementations of the vision and mission of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta itself, namely to become a State Defense campus. Defending the Country referred to here is how we together as employees, as students, and as a community take responsibility for the sustainability of the Indonesian State by inviting people to live healthily through blood donation activities like this. Apart from that, there are also many benefits, one of which is that we will feel healthier and not only donate blood today, there is also an implementation of chess in which we can channel our hobbies and improve brain intelligence," he said.

During the blood donation event in collaboration with PMI DKI Jakarta, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp., KJ as the coordinator of the blood donation activity said "This activity has indeed been prepared very carefully, because every year we routinely carry out blood donor activities and there is considerable enthusiasm from the UPNVJ family which makes PMI DKI Jakarta want to continue working with we. I hope that in the future the academic community at UPNVJ can continue to support activities like this because we are a State Defense campus and blood donation is also part of the implementation of State Defense," he concluded.



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