Observation of Tree Planting Locations in the Context of the 56th Anniversary of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta


HumasUPNVJ - Wednesday, December 12 2018 Chief Executive of the 56th Anniversary of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Dr. Desmintari, SE, MM and UPNVJ employees and students inspected the location in the framework of the Tree Planting activity which will be held on Thursday, December 27 2018. This activity is part of the series of UPNVJ's 56th Anniversary.

An inspection of the tree planting location was carried out in Tanjungsari, Cariu Bogor, which is the land where a new UPN "Veteran" Jakarta lecture center will be built.


Also participating in the review were representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Balai for Management of Watersheds and Barito Protected Forests) Citarum Ciliwung area.

In its implementation later UPNVJ will not only plant trees, but will also sign a Memorandum of Understanding and a cooperation agreement with the Barito Watershed and Protected Forest Management Office with the aim of achieving a green environment on the land where a new UPNVJ lecture center will later be built.


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