391 Students of SMAN 28 Tangerang Enthusiastically Discuss UPNVJ Entrance Path


In an effort to provide the latest information to the public about the entrance route, Public Relations (HUMAS) of the Jakarta Veteran National Development University (UPNVJ) again attended the invitation of SMA Negeri 28 Tangerang Regency.

The extraordinary enthusiasm of students to enter State Universities (PTN), especially UPNVJ, is very high.

A total of 391 students and 11 accompanying teachers listened attentively to the socialization of new student admissions in 2025 given by UPNVJ PUBLIC RELATIONS.

On this occasion, Anisa Triselia UPNVJ Public Relations explained in detail what needs to be known about UPNVJ, followed by the stages of the entry paths available at UPNVJ.


Starting from the SNBP, SNBT, Mandiri Path to the SMMPTN Barat path which were discussed thoroughly. The socialization was also two-way where participants could freely ask about anything they did not understand.

Not only that, tuition fees, scholarships and facilities are also discussed in this agenda.

"Many students hope to be accepted into their favorite PTN. For those who choose UPNVJ, there are several questions for the study programs of Medicine, Nutrition to Nursing," said Anisa.

This activity aims to help students prepare themselves and provide an opportunity for students to choose based on direct explanations from the state universities present.

With activities like this, it is hoped that students will be more prepared and confident in facing the PTN entrance selection.

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