UPNVJ Collaborates with University of Poitiers France in Erasmus+ International Lecturer Mobility Program 2025

HumasUPNVJ - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) participated in the Erasmus+ International Lecturer Mobility 2025 program held on January 13-15, 2025. This time, Assoc. Prof. Marc Pourroy from the University of Poitiers France had the opportunity to visit, teach, and discuss with researchers, lecturers, academics and students of UPNVJ.


In an interview conducted on January 15, 2025, Prof. Marc shared his views on this program and various other interesting things. Prof. Marc said that he was impressed with UPNVJ students. When he delivered the material in class, all UPNVJ students listened actively, interacted, and asked various questions. He said that all students were very serious and had a high curiosity so that Prof. Marc was impressed with UPNVJ students. Prof. Marc also had the opportunity to see many students celebrating the completion of their studies, he appreciated how students celebrated and appreciated their academic graduation achievements because according to him it was something unique and different from his university.


Prof. Marc said that in order for this program to encourage students to explore opportunities internationally, there is an exchange of lecturers from UPNVJ and from the University of Poitiers who can bring knowledge and experience from each country and university so that both parties can know each other. This knowledge will then lead to curiosity and encourage students to explore opportunities in the international world.

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