Inauguration & Oath Taking of 38 Civil Servants in UPNVJ Environment


HumasUPNVJ - 38 Prospective Civil Servants were sworn in and sworn in as Civil Servants on Friday, 19 July 2019 in the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Hall, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The Oath-Taking and Inauguration ceremony began with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and National Defense Mars and continued with the reading of the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education and the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

The taking of the oath of office was carried out by the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Erna Hernawati in the presence of clergy, witnessed by the Deputy Chancellors, Deans, Heads of Bureaus and Heads of UPT UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. In her remarks Erna Hernawati advised the newly appointed civil servants to work as well as possible, be full of responsibility, highly dedicated, sincere, always create a comfortable working atmosphere and foster a sense of togetherness, and always work so that they can continue to achieve achievements.

Pelantikan_PNS_Dosen.JPG Not to be left behind, one of the PNS representatives Benny said in his speech that he would always contribute to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, "we as PNS are determined to continue to contribute more to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, because we all love UPNVJ too much." he said.

In addition, beni also read a quote from Prof JE Sahetapy in his professorial inauguration speech at UNAIR in July 1983, “For a true scientist, the more he swims towards the horizon of his knowledge, the more he realizes that the horizon of knowledge is impossible for him to reach, because the horizon that too will go forward.” he said

The event was closed by congratulating the newly appointed employees and taking the oath and taking a group photo.


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