UPNVJ Holds Skills Test for YouTube Content Creators 2019 SEMA Achievement Pathway


HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Skills Test on the YouTube Content Creator Achievement Path Independent Selection UPN "Veteran" Jakarta which took place at Five Tv Fisip UPNVJ Lt. 4 Gd. Moh. Yamin, Wednesday (24/07/19).

In holding this competency test, UPNVJ invited a jury including Mrs. Kusumajanti, Firdaus and Muhammad Reza as one of the YouTube Content Creators .

Uji_YCC_(3).JPG Dr. Anter Venus as UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for academic affairs opened this skill test activity by giving a speech, in his remarks he conveyed several things about YouTube Content Creators nowadays "This is the first activity in Indonesia, so we will choose participants whose quality is more than the other participants . Nowadays there are many emerging professions, especially in the digital era, one of which is YouTube Content Creator . YouTube Content Creator can be said to be a smart person, intelligent in the visual field and able to create content/work. We need to know that there are 3 levels of learning, the first is mentioning, the second is explaining and the last is applying. And for YouTube Content Creators , this is a group of people who excel because they can create content/work. Extraordinary people who needed a place and UPNVJ became the first initiator”. Obviously

This skills test has 2 major themes, namely Love for the Motherland and Defending the Country.


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