Awakening the Spirit of Nationalism with Music, UBV Holds Music Goes to School


HumasUPNVJ - University Band Veterans Jakarta (UBV Jakarta) Student Activity Unit (UKM) successfully held the "Music Goes To School (MGTS)" event on Saturday, August 3 2019 at SDN 03 Cinere, Depok. The event was held for the first time by UKM engaged in music and was immediately greeted with great enthusiasm by the students of SDN 03 Cinere. The children's enthusiasm for music was very evident when they directly practiced how to play musical instruments such as guitar, bass and even drums.

the Music Goes To School event was attended by SDN 03 Cinere teachers and guardian parents, thus providing an understanding of how important it is to choose the right music for children, so that the role of parents is very important in guiding which songs children can listen to. still young.

UBV_2019_1.jpg The event, which was attended by 350 students, had the goal that children, especially those who were still in elementary school who were experiencing a growth period, would start to be more courageous to appear in public so they could be more confident and able to express their emotions in a more positive direction. for example producing a work of song.

Meanwhile, according to Ibrahim as General Chair of the Student Activity Unit, Jakarta Veterans Band University, by holding this event he hopes that children will be able to have a sense of love for the motherland, such as recognizing folk songs, national songs compared to western songs, especially now that entering the world of technology so that children can easily access information that is not in accordance with Indonesian culture.

”Yes, with this MGTS event, much is expected, especially for those who are still children who need guidance in their infancy. More daring to appear in public, no longer ashamed to socialize with schoolmates, more confident, especially now that the era is very modern, whatever we need is easy to get, the fear is that children will forget their own culture, the culture of loving their homeland and not applying the unique and diverse Indonesian culture," he said

In carrying out Music Goes To School, Ibrahim hopes that UBV Jakarta will have benefits for the community, especially through music and implementing and upholding the Tri Dharma of students and not forgetting to also carry out the UPNVJ student identity, namely "Campus Bela Negara" which is implemented in the Music Goes To School event. .


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