Passing SEMA 2019 Prospective UPNVJ Medical and Pharmacy Students Undergo Health Tests


HumasUPNVJ – Prospective new students who pass the Independent Selection (SEMA) pathway take a series of medical tests in order to prepare themselves to become students for the medical study program and pharmacy study program at the UPN "Veteran" Polyclinic Jakarta, Thursday (31/07/19).

A total of 41 prospective students took the medical test, including students from the medical study program and students from the pharmacy study program.

In this series of medical tests, prospective students will receive a fairly complete medical examination. The examination includes measuring height and weight, color blindness tests, physical and mental health as a graduation requirement to become a student of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta medical and pharmaceutical study programs.

We hope that the State Defense friends who pass the Independent Selection pathway will succeed in achieving their goals and be able to contribute to the progress and development of their alma mater.


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