1250 New SBMPTN Undergraduate Students Follow the Re-Registration Process at UPNVJ


HumasUPNVJ - As many as 1,250 prospective new students passed the SBMPTN route at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University following the re-registration process which was carried out for 2 days, the first day namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business and on the second day, the Faculty Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science and Faculty of Law are located at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, 4th Floor (Thursday and Friday, 25-26 July 2019).


The re-registration process starts at 08.00 WIB has 5 registration stages that must be passed by new UPNVJ student candidates, namely registering/verifying personal data, submitting files, measuring the alma mater, taking photos of student ID cards, and printing out the results of the re-registration.

The UPNVJ Public Relations Team had the opportunity to conduct interviews with new undergraduate program students through the SBMPTN route. One of them was with Farel, in his interview he said that he felt lucky to have chosen and been accepted at this state defense campus through the SBMPTN route because according to him UPN "Veteran" Jakarta especially the medical faculty was one of the best faculties at UPNVJ "I chose UPNVJ because in my opinion the medical faculty here is a faculty that is quite favorite, “he said.

Apart from Farel, the UPNVJ Public Relations Team also had the opportunity to conduct interviews with Mrs. Kholifah and Mrs. Fanny as parents of students, they both have hopes that in the future their children and all UPNVJ students will have good grades and be able to make the campus proud and can become students who have a spirit of defending the country .

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