HumasUPNVJ - In order to instill and strengthen love for the motherland and create a generation with the character of defending the country UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) invited the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Menhan RI) Ryamizard Ryacudu as the main resource person in the 2019 PKKMB activities held at the Cilandak Marine Corps, Monday (12/08/19).
In front of 2,957 new students and the Chancellor of UPNV J and his staff, Ryamizard Ryacudu, presented material with the theme "Becoming a Student Defender of the State". In giving this material, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized that we as the next generation must have good solidarity to maintain the integrity of the homeland.
" We as the nation's successors must be able to take a role and stand at the forefront to maintain the integrity of the nation and state. The Indonesian nation can become a solid nation by loving peace and working hand in hand to help each other, "he stressed.
He also delivered material on the Central Gravity, namely the nation's strength which lies in the soul and spirit of defending the country because this unites the way of thinking, behaving and acting in dealing with all kinds of things.
Not only the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, in the implementation of PKKMB on the first day this was also present as a guest speaker, namely the Director of Student Affairs at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Prof. Didin Wahidin, M.Pd and Dea Gendyna as Head of People Operations Style Theory SG.
In this case Prof. Didin Wahidin, M.Pd delivered material on Healthy Student Organizations for Healthy Indonesia. He conveyed that Indonesia's economic potential would increase and to achieve this increase a just and prosperous NKRI was needed which consisted of human resources, natural resources, 4 pillars, geopolitical positions, and others. He also said that the competition was so tight in the global world industry that it ranked 45th.
" Competitiveness in the global world competition ranks 45th out of 148 countries, while Indonesia's innovation competitiveness 2018 ranks 85th out of 126 countries, " he said.
With this, it is very important for us, the next generation, to explore all the potential that exists within ourselves and always keep abreast of technological developments so that we know where global competition is today.
As the closing speaker, Dea Gendyna also said “ Nothing is impossible. When entering the world of work, we will no longer be able to study. The biggest learning opportunity is during college. To prepare ourselves to compete and win the competition to be able to compete and earn high income for a fresh graduate, we must have Knowledge or knowledge, seen from the Achievement Index that you achieve, Skills or abilities, seen by the amount of experience you have done, Behaviors or behavior, seen from the body language and attitude during the interview. So with this in mind, plan yourself well in the future and expand your relationships, " he concluded.