Increasing Technology Knowledge, UPNVJ Students Are Enthusiastic about Participating in the Bhinneka Seminar


HumasUPNVJ - In order to produce graduates who are successful and able to compete in the future world of work, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in collaboration with Bhinneka held a national seminar entitled, "Seminar for Successful Careers in Technology Companies", located at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building UPNVJ. (25/9/2019)

BHINNEKA_(1).JPG The event was opened by remarks from the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, he gave appreciation to all parties involved in this activity, "Thank you for the participation of the committee both from UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the committee from Bhinneka. The national seminar entitled Seminar on Success in a Career in Technology Companies certainly has many benefits. For students, you are currently being demanded to innovate, especially with technology, because by innovating you will also improve the quality of our higher education institutions. Hopefully you guys here will also become successful entrepreneurs. I hope that this seminar will motivate all of you to be more innovative.” he said

BHINNEKA_(2).JPG Ronni Afriandy as Merchandising Manager B2C Bhinneka also gave remarks and information about Bhinneka and Friends of Students, "We thank you for the opportunity that UPNVJ has given to Bhinneka, so that this seminar can be held. Friends of Students at Bhinneka is one of the initiatives carried out by Bhinneka together with business partners, in finding and creating superior seeds, to fill the shortage of digital workers in Indonesia's digital economic growth. We hope that by holding this activity, UPNVJ students can be even more creative and innovative in preparing for their dream jobs in the future.” he said

In addition, Bhinneka also presents speakers who are competent in their respective fields. Sabaruddin Adinugroho as Lead Product Manager for Bhinneka, Deni Mahardianto as Community Manager for Microsoft Indonesia, and Riko Gunawan as Head of Commercial Products & Solutions ACER Indonesia.



This activity was supported by Bhinneka, Bank DKI, Cicil, Microsoft, Acer and UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


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