HumasUPNVJ - Student research and debate forum, one of the student organizations at the UPNVJ Faculty of Law held the 2019 Veteran Legal Competition which was held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building, Friday 1 November 2019.
This event was opened by remarks from Rika as the chief executive, in her speech Rika conveyed the purpose of holding this activity, "This activity was held to become a forum for connecting ties of friendship and as a means to channel aspirations for FH students throughout Indonesia to realize a common goal, namely realizing a better Indonesia in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia”. he said
Apart from that, Rika also hopes that by holding this activity, it will be able to answer the current problems of the Indonesian nation through critical ideas by the younger generation.
The Dean of the Faculty of Law, H. Abdul Halim also gave a speech to all the delegates who attended, "Welcome to the delegates from universities in several cities in Indonesia who took the time to attend UPNVJ. This activity is the inaugural activity organized by the UPNVJ Faculty of Law, hopefully in the future all Law Faculties in Indonesian Universities can work together. And I also hope that during the activity you will get many benefits, activities like this are very good, of course, to increase students' critical thinking in the 4.0 era and in the future.” he said
UPNVJ Rector, Dr. Erna Hernawati also gave a speech and opened the 2019 Veteran Legal Competition, "I appreciate this Veteran Legal Competition activity because in my opinion, so far there have been many debate activities held but rarely or maybe even never based on research. Hopefully this activity can continue the relationship between UPNVJ and other universities.” he said
This activity was attended by approximately 17 universities in Indonesia, some of which were the University of Indonesia, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Yogyakarta, USU, UNDIP, Maranata Bandung, Unisba, Unila, Semarang State University, Untirta, Atmajaya Jogja, Unisma Malang and there are many other universities.