Faculty of Medicine Holds Public Lecture with Prof.Dr.dr. Bambang Sutrisna, MD, MHSc, DrPH

HUMAS UPNVJ – Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta Veterans National Development University again held IKK-IKM public lectures. The public lecture presented expert speakers from the University of Indonesia, namely Prof.Dr.dr. Bambang Sutrisna, MD, MHSc, DrPH. This activity, which is open to all UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine academics, was held on Friday 31 January 2020 which took place in the Unity in Diversity room, 4th floor of the General Soedirman UPNVJ Building.



This public lecture program began with singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and also singing the National Defense Marshal. Then the event continued with remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. In his remarks, the Dean said that this public lecture activity was spearheaded by the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, Sp.KJ, MH who coordinated with the Department of Family Health Sciences and Public Health Sciences (IKK – IKM) Faculty of Medicine UPN Veterans Jakarta.


After the remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the event continued with a presentation and question and answer session with Prof.Dr.dr. Bambang Sutrisna, MD, MHSc, DrPH. In his presentation, he conveyed several things related to the general lecture theme, namely The Role of Doctors in Promotive and Preventive Efforts to Tackle Health Problems in Indonesia (The Role of Doctors in Promotive and Preventive Efforts as Efforts to Overcome Health Problems in Indonesia). He explained about the corona virus and its preventive efforts. "If Corona is due to an acute illness, what is important is that it must be preventive and promotive. If the preventive and promotive methods don't work, what will be the consequences? I would like to invite these prospective doctors to be aware of this from the start.” . He explained, one of the preventive efforts is to use masks properly and correctly. He added, “Wearing the right mask has a theory. What is the purpose of using a mask? So that what comes from outside doesn't enter us, and from us it doesn't spread to other people." . Prof. Dr. dr. Bambang Sutrisna, MD, MHSc, DrPH, also gave practice on using masks by involving one of the Faculty of Medicine students who attended the public lecture.

After the question and answer session ended, the event was closed by handing over plaques and also closing with prayer readings.


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