Journal of Political and Democracy Studies FISIP UPNVJ Achieves SINTA 4 Accreditation


HumasUPNVJ - The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) has succeeded in adding a National Science and Technology Index (SINTA) accredited journal with a SINTA 4 achievement.

The journal discusses Parapolitika from the Journal of Political and Democracy Studies with a SINTA 4 achievement. In addition, there is also the Global Komunika journal from the Journal of Social and Political Sciences with a SINTA 5 achievement.

Head of the Journal of Political and Democracy Studies, Restu Rahmawati, S.Sos., MA explained the process of achieving accreditation, starting from creating the Open Journal Systems (OJS) page to training that faced various obstacles but was successful in the end.

"The first preparation for accreditation is to move the parapolitika website page which was previously not on the UPNVJ journal page and not yet Open Journal Systems (OJS)," said Restu, when interviewed by UPNVJ Public Relations on Monday, March 24, 2025.

According to the direction of LPPM UPNVJ, he continued, FISIP created a new OJS for the journal on the page. with various stages that are quite long.

Despite facing various obstacles, Restu and his team are fully supported by UPNVJ through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM).

One of the obstacles encountered is finding articles from outside that you want to publish in the Parapolitika journal. This is because usually the author will ask whether the journal in question has been accredited or not.

However, along the way, Restu received support from universities, faculties, and study programs by involving a number of lecturers and partner universities as editors and reviewers.

"I hope that in the future the journal can be accredited by SINTA 3 and indexed by DOAJ, and can also collaborate with campus partners from abroad," said Restu.

"The involvement of editors and reviewers from abroad will add to the assessment, so that it can automatically increase the accreditation rating. In the future, we will work with the University of the Philippines Diliman," Restu concluded.



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