Implementing UPNVJ's Vision and Mission, FEB Holds National Seminars and Call For Papers


HumasUPNVJ - In an effort to achieve UPNVJ's vision and mission towards an excellent university, the Faculty of Economics and Business again held a National Seminar and Call For Papers with the theme "Indonesian Economic Transformation in an Era of Disruption in Creating State Resilience: The Role of the Corporate and Public Sector" which took place at the Bhinneka Auditorium Single Ika Gd. UPNVJ Rector Lt. 4, Wednesday (23/20)

The National Seminar and Call For Papers earlier this year presented three speakers namely, Dr. Erna Hernawati., Ak., CPMA., CA (UPNVJ Chancellor) , Prof. Dr. Dr. med. dr. AB Susanto, SE, MA, CPM (Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPNVJ, Prof. H. Fashbir Noor Sidin., SE., MSP., P.hD (Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University) which was attended by 70 national seminar participants and 150 call for papers participants.

Rio Bayu Taruno as chief executive of Correlation I - National Seminar and Call For Papers reported that this activity was attended by participants from various universities throughout Indonesia, including the University of Indonesia, National University, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta, Jakarta State University, Gajah Mada University, Institute of Technology and Ahmad Dahlan Business (ITB-AD).

The activity was opened by remarks from the Dean of FEB, Dr. Dian Wicaksih Arieftiara, who in her speech stated that this activity was a form of implementation of UPNVJ and FEB's vision and mission, "Correlation I - National Seminar and Call For Papers is a manifestation of UPNVJ and FEB's vision and mission to become excellent universities and faculties. . God willing, we will carry out this activity regularly twice a year. he said

In addition, he also hopes that in the future FEB can have many special journals for student thesis, "We will guide students so that the UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business has many special journals for their thesis. FEB has also routinely held International Conferences whose output is the Scopus journal. Hopefully with this activity many ideas will arise for the progress of the nation ". Close it

This series of activities began with material from the Keynote speakers , Dr. Erna Hernawati, then followed by Prof. AB Susanto and Prof. Fashbir.


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