HumasUPNVJ - Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim issued a circular related to the prevention of the corona virus in education units.
The circular contains 18 instructions for heads of provincial, district/city education offices, higher education service institutions, and school principals throughout Indonesia. Circular Letter Number 3 of 2020 and signed by Nadiem on Sunday (9/3).
The following is the contents of the Minister of Education and Culture's instructions regarding the prevention of the corona virus contained in the circular letter:
- 1. Optimizing the role of the School Health Unit (UKS) or health service units in tertiary institutions by coordinating with local health service facilities in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- 2. Communicate with the local Health Service, Education Office and/or Higher Education Service Institutions to find out whether the Health Service has some kind of plan or preparation in dealing with COVID-19
- 3. Ensuring the availability of facilities for washing hands with soap (CTPS) and disposable cleaning tools (tissues) in various strategic locations in the education unit;
- 4. Ensuring that residents of the education unit use the CTPS facility (minimum 20 seconds) and disposable hand dryers properly, and other clean and healthy living habits (PHBS);
- 5. Ensuring that the education unit cleans the room and environment of the education unit regularly, especially door handles, light switches, computers, keyboards and other facilities that are often touched by hands. Use skilled personnel to carry out cleaning tasks and use appropriate cleaning materials for this purpose;
- 6. Monitoring the attendance (absence) of education unit residents;
- 7. Give permission to sick education unit residents not to come to the education unit;
- 8. Not imposing penalties/sanctions for those who are absent due to illness, and not enforcing attendance-based incentive policies if any);
- 9. Report to the Health Service, Education Office and/or Higher Education Service Institutions if there are large numbers of absences due to respiratory illnesses;
- 10. Diverting the tasks of educators and education staff who are absent to other capable educators and education staff;
- 11. Consult with the Education Office or Higher Education Service Institution if the level of absence is considered to be very disruptive to the teaching and learning process to obtain consideration as to whether teaching and learning activities need to be temporarily closed;
- 12. Education units do not have to be able to identify COVID-19. The Ministry of Health will do it, so education units must report suspected COVID-19 to the local Ministry of Health for testing. Keep in mind that, the majority of respiratory-related illnesses are not COVID-19;
- 13. Ensuring that the food provided in the education unit is food that has been thoroughly cooked;
- 14. Remind all members of the education unit not to share food, drink and wind instruments;
- 15. Reminding education unit residents to avoid direct physical contact (shaking hands, kissing hands, hugging, and so on);
- 16. Postponing activities that gather many people or activities outside the education unit (camping, study tours);
- 17. Restricting guests from outside the education unit;
- 18. Residents of education units and families traveling to infected countries published by the World Health Organization (WHO) are asked not to drop off, pick up, and be in the area of the education unit for 14 days when returning to their homeland.