Activate Event Online Campaign Ambassador, Distance Learning is healthy for students mentally?

HumasUPNVJ - is a social tracker that invites changemakers to take social action. as a platform that accommodates changemakers to carry out actions that have the function of:

(1) Motivating changemakers who are not yet motivated to take part in social action and awareness of a world that still needs good things from humans,

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Campaign Ambassador is a Student Representative who studies around Jabodetabek with a role as an ambassador to promote a platform engaged in social action, namely and to be a part of the world for a better social change.

Activate Event Online is the final project carried out by Campaign Ambassador online by raising the concept of "Indonesia Against Corona" with the theme, "Is Distance Learning healthy for students' mentality?". This event will bring material about "Support from the academic world in responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic, changes to the online education system, how to maintain the quality of mental health and support for the #IndonesiaAgainstCorona campaign". This is in line with the #IndonesiaAgainstCorona challenge prepared by the team which can be accessed through the Campaign #ForChange application by opening the Campaign page

(Source: )

This activity was carried out on Saturday, May 16 2020, at 14.00 - 16.00 WIB via Zoom Meeting Online by presenting two speakers, namely: Dr. dr. Ria Maria, Sp. KJ., MH. As Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs UPNVJ and Habibul Fuadi Hanif as Founder of the 'Panti Goceng' Community.

There were 223 out of 344 registrants who attended this webinar. In the webinar that took place, Habibul as a founder of the community he formed gave a relaxed sharing of what he was going through during this pandemic, according to him with this pandemic, he was implementing Distance Learning or PJJ which made him bored with college activities that had to get up early in the morning, college with various platforms/websites and costs a lot of money to buy internet quota. This is also an obstacle that basically the economics of each student is very different. In addition to the endless tasks, he has to share time at night to study. But this pandemic has also had a good impact on Habibul, such as getting closer to his family, being able to eat together with one another, and keeping him motivated to study remotely. Apart from that, the Covid-19 Pandemic also had an impact on his community, namely 'Panti Goceng'. The community has a work program, namely Love Donation for Orphanages, but all of these are experiencing problems such as time being stretched and the enthusiasm of members in the community starting to decline. Now, the community is raising funds to do a 'buy new clothes' project. But because everyone has to stay at home , they have to understand the situation and change the job program by donating to an orphanage or community in need. This donation program is also focused on roadside people around Bogor and Padang. Apart from that, the community has a new project program, a kind of online class, that collaborates with Mapres with topics such as mental health and scholarships.

Dr. Dr. Ria Maria explained that there were a number of things that were indeed obstacles for students in dealing with this pandemic, "PJJ and online learning are a problem for students because they make students surprised by changes and there is no preparation at all. Apart from PJJ, students' problems are that the houses they live in are not comfortable and the infrastructure is inadequate. Plus, there are a lot of assignments given with very fast deadlines and of course students are confused whether their assignments are checked or not. There are several psychological effects of PJJ on students, including: Loneliness (social interaction activities are reduced, and it feels very different from physical contact with online social contact), the effect is depression, anxiety or the body does not feel well even though it is comfortable and relaxed but gets tired easily, a feeling of anxious, stressed and tired for 7 days 24 hours repeated accompanied by thoughts that think too much about tasks and burdens at home. Usually at home I'm relaxed now it's even boomeranged.” Obviously dr. Ria

Besides that, Dr. Ria also gave tips on being mentally healthy even though you are #dirumahaja, "Study with word affirmations and enjoy this situation and eat nutritious food, make a schedule of activities while staying at home with flexible time so that it creates creative activities, do sports, you can do it with the help of social media , do fun hobbies and keep interacting with other people.” Close it





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