Together with Deputy Speaker of the Republic of Indonesia DPR, UPNVJ Holds Online Technical Guidance on Legislative Drafting Process and Guidance for Lecturer Professionals


HumasUPNVJ - Reporting from, the general public certainly does not understand that typo errors in drafting laws can lead to prison.

In fact, the possibility that this could happen, if there is an intention to commit a crime or mens rea from an individual who deliberately makes noise in the law to benefit certain parties.

To prevent that from actually happening, there are a number of procedures in place to ensure that laws are properly and accurately written.

The problem of typo in the law became one of the topics discussed in the discussion with Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI Azis Syamsuddin in the Online Technical Guidance on the Process and Guidance of Drafting Legislative Drafting for Professionals and Lecturers which was held by the Faculty of Law UPNVJ, on Monday (18/5 /2020).

Bimtek is held live from the DPR-RI Building through the zoom application and Youtube. This webinar presents Azis Syamsuddin (Deputy Chair of the DPR-RI) and Wicipto Setiadi, a Constitutional Law Expert who is also a UPNVJ Law Faculty Lecturer as resource persons.

The event began with a thank you from moderator Heru Suyanto and the Dean of the Faculty of Law UPN Veterans Jakarta Abdul Halim, in his remarks Abdul Halim representing the UPNVJ academic community expressed his gratitude to the DPR-RI extended family, especially to the vice chairman of the DPR-RI for the valuable opportunity and knowledge the best knowledge provided for the development of the Faculty of Law UPN Veterans Jakarta.

In this case, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Ernawati Herawati, also expressed her gratitude because in the midst of her busy schedule, the vice chairperson of the DPR-RI still shares knowledge and we all hope to maximize this momentum.

"The highest appreciation goes to the Deputy Speaker of the DPR-RI, who has given time in the midst of being busy, especially in the Covid-19 situation, and I advised that let's maximize all our expertise to anticipate the post-covid-19 period," said the Chancellor of UPNVJ.

Launching from Azis explained that a typo in the Law (UU) could be used as a criminal offense if an element of mens rea was found to bias a text of the legislation.

"Does this typo have an element of mens rea or not? If there is an element of mens rea, the aim is to make it biased, to make it undirected and not transparent, then the intention of the mens rea can be used as an offense in suspicion of an element of a crime," Azis said when he became the source of the activity.

Azis said that this inner attitude (mens rea) is an important element in determining the accountability of the person who changed the text of the law.

In every deliberation and drafting of a law, there are what are called mind notes, minutes, and there are also recordings that can be looked back at if needed at any time.

"People's coughs, people's sneezes, there's a recording. So was the typo intentional, or based on normative, or due to the typist's human error? Well, that has to be seen," said Azis.

Azis added, if for example the notes on the mindes note are correct, then the typo is then suspected to be due to human error on the part of the typist, then this assumption can still be checked again using the recording.

"Did he not get enough sleep at that time, did he have dreams that were not correct at that time, so his typing was not correct, but checking can be done by looking at the recording," Azis said.

Azis said that as long as the typist of the law text did not bias the interpretation of the law, then checking for errors can only be seen from the minutes and mindes notes during the discussion and drafting of the law.

The series of events on the first day, which was filled in by Azis Syamsuddin, went smoothly and in two directions which were continued on the second day with the guest speaker Wicipto Setiadi the same as the first day the resource person delivered the material, followed by discussions and questions and answers with students.

The Bimtek which lasted for 2 days received considerable enthusiasm, namely approximately 1,000 participants from all over Indonesia consisting of students, academics and professionals.

With this useful activity, it is hoped that it will provide new knowledge for us, the general public, on how to make good and correct laws and not violate applicable regulations.

*Those who haven't had time to participate live can see the replay at the following link: and ,

*Download material at and certificate .

*Reference to reporting

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