UPNVJ Faculty of Law Criminal Law Observer Beniharmoni Harefa: Allegations of Corruption at UNJ Stain the World of Higher Education

The community must participate in supervising the management of university funds to prevent corruption by officials in the educational environment.

Launching from the KoranJakarta.com page, allegations of corruption are reoccurring in the world of higher education in Indonesia and this has tarnished the world of education. This time, officials from the Jakarta State University (UNJ) were caught in the hands of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in collaboration with the Inspectorate General (Itjen) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).

"The actions taken by the Head of TU UNJ against the HR bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture have tarnished the world of Indonesian higher education," said UPN Veterans Jakarta Law Faculty criminal law observer Beniharmoni Harefa to Koran Jakarta, Wednesday (27/5).

Beni added that corruption in the world of higher education in Indonesia still occurs frequently, starting from allegations of bribery in the election of rectors, especially at several state universities, corruption in infrastructure development at state universities in Indonesia. It's not about the size of the monetary value that becomes the object of gratification, but the impact of what is done is considered to be truly heartbreaking and sad at the same time.

“Higher education, which should be at the forefront of ensuring that a truth can be conveyed, becomes tainted and dirty due to the actions of individuals who tarnish it. Gratification in the world of higher education has a very broad impact and lasts a very long time for the life of the nation and state," said Beni.

Real Impact He also explained, one of the real impacts of this dirty deed, was forcing lecturers to take shortcuts to take care of their ranks or other matters at the Ministry of Education and Culture. This is also a domino effect for students.

“You can be sure that students will prefer instant and short-cuts to get degrees and diplomas. Education, especially higher education, is no longer seen as a process of forging oneself to deepen knowledge, but is more impressed as a formal process of obtaining a diploma for practical purposes," he said.

Beni hopes that the National Police assigned to investigate this case can process the gratuity case on the pretext of THR at the Ministry of Education and Culture in a transparent and thorough manner. Due process and strict sanctions must be imposed on the perpetrators. For your information, on Thursday (21/5), the KPK together with the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture conducted an OTT at UNJ and arrested the Head of the UNJ Personnel Section, Dwi Achmad Noor along with evidence in the form of money amounting to 27.5 million rupiah and 1,200 US dollars. Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Committee, Karyoto, said that the arrests began with information conveyed by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture to the Corruption Eradication Committee regarding plans to hand over a sum of money allegedly from the Chancellor of UNJ to officials at the Ministry of Education and Culture. Karyoto explained, on May 13 2020 UNJ Chancellor Komarudin allegedly asked the Dean of the Faculty and institutions in his institution to collect THR money of 5 million rupiah each through Dwi Achmad Noor.

*source : http://www.koran-jakarta.com/dugaan-korupsi-di-unj-coreng-dunia-dikti-tinggi/

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