Implementation of the 2020 UTBK at the UPNVJ UTBK Center is Running Smoothly

HumasUPNVJ - Exactly eighteen days UPN Veteran Jakarta has become one of the centers for the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) in the context of admitting new students through the State University Joint Entrance Selection (SBMPTN) route.

Monday, July 27 2020 yesterday coincided with the implementation of the second and last day of the UTBK batch at the UPNVJ UTBK center. During the implementation process, both Campus I (Pondok Labu) and Campus II (Limo) starting from the first batch on July 5 2020 until the second batch is currently running smoothly, orderly and conducive.

UPNVJ has also implemented health protocols in order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Starting from checking body temperature, an area for washing hands and spraying hand sanitizer .


On the last day of implementing the UTBK at UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati as the Chancellor expressed her gratitude to all the committee members in charge, "Today UPNVJ has completed carrying out a series of UTBK activities for 18 days. Thank God everything went smoothly, even though there were obstacles we could handle everything well, this was all thanks to the help from the ladies and gentlemen of the committee, supervisors and all those who helped. This year's UTBK is indeed very much different from before, because this year there is a pandemic that has befallen us all. Regarding infrastructure facilities, infrastructure networks, etc., we have prepared them properly according to the health protocol. When we have big activities, I see the performance of the committee, which is very well prepared . Erna said

The UPNVJ public relations team also interviewed Fajar Nugroho as the coordinator of the UPNVJ 2020 UTBK regarding the process of implementing UTBK on the Bela Negara campus as a whole, "The UTBK implementation at the UPNVJ UTBK center starts from stage 1 on July 5 to stage 2 (July 20, 2020) to today went smoothly. Even though there were a few problems, like last Thursday, there was a disconnection at the limo campus. But swiftly, we as the committee immediately relocated the participants to the central campus. We provide a special bus for the participants as well. And Alhamdulillah everything can be resolved properly. Dawn said

Recapitulation of the attendance of UTBKUPNVJ participants who attended as a whole (swsi 1 and session 2) were 15214 participants and as many as 426 participants were not present.

UPNVJ hopes that all 2020 UTBK SBMPTN participants will get results that are as expected. Don't forget to always look at the official LTMPT page and the page.

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