Utilization of the IPR System and Compilation of Patent Descriptions for UPNVJ Lecturers


HumasUPNVJ - Intellectual Property Rights are awards in the form of exclusive rights granted by the State to a person or group of people, which are protection for inventions, creations in the fields of art, literature, science, design, technology and the use of symbols or trade symbols. Utilization of IP/HKI by universities is important and is expected to stimulate university research activities. With the protection of university research results, it is hoped that university academics can be encouraged to conduct further research if economic benefits are seen in its development.

In order to increase lecturers' understanding regarding the socio-economic benefits and impacts of using IPR as a whole and institutional development to improve accreditation and campus clustering, UPNVJ held a webinar inviting Dr. drh. I Ketut Mudite Adnyane, M.Sc (Head of Sub-Directorate of Intellectual Property Management, Directorate of Innovation and Intellectual Property IPB) and Dian Nurfitri, SSi, Apt, MH (Head of Sub-Directorate of Patent Examination, Directorate of Patents, Directorate of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia) attended by less than over 110 participants via zoom on Thursday, 07/24/2020.

The event was opened by remarks from dr. Maria as secretary of the UPNVJ Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), "Thank you to the resource persons who are willing to attend our webinar today. This activity is one of our ways to improve UPNVJ accreditation through Intellectual Property Rights and Patents. We hope that after this we all get a lot of benefits and knowledge about Intellectual Property Rights and Patents.” he said

In his presentation, I Ketut Mudite explained many things, "To obtain a patent requires conditions such as: Novel / new : An invention is considered new if the invention is not the same as the technology that has existed or was previously disclosed both in Indonesia and abroad in the form writing or through demonstration, Inventive step / new step: Invention is considered to fulfill the inventive step element if for someone who has certain expertise in the field of invention concerned it is something that was previously unexpected, Industrial applicable : This means that the invention that is registered must be applicable to in industry / manufacture in bulk. Useful: This means that the invention can be implemented according to the method described in the patent application. Obviously

Dian Nurfitri in her presentation explained, "The research strategy to generate patents is by not reinventing the wheel, not doing wasted work that has been done by other people. Use patent publications as the main source of reference”. Obviously Diane

The patent description must be written in good and correct Indonesian. All words or sentences in the patent description must use language and terms commonly used in the field of technology. The structure for presenting a patent description includes: Title of Invention, Technical Field of Invention, Background of the Invention, Brief Description of the Invention, Brief Description of Drawings, Complete Description of Invention, Claims, Abstracts and Drawings. he continued

Research conducted by PTs to produce patents does not always involve complicated high-level technology. This is because patents can also be granted for inventions in simple technological fields.

Obtaining patents for tertiary institutions greatly affects the performance of these tertiary institutions, because it will affect the determination of the classification or ranking of tertiary institutions. The lifeblood of patents is commercialization, meaning that inventions found through obtaining patents must be able to partner with industry so that they can be produced and also become a source of income for universities.

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