Public Relations Team – This year Eid al-Adha 1441 Hijriah is coincide with the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though the situation is not really convenient, UPN Veteran Jakarta still carries out commemoration of Eid al-Adha with keeps following the health protocol according to government directions, it was held at UPNVJ Pondok Labu campus on Friday, July 31, 2020.
Public Relations Team had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Ade Nur Rohim, Head of Committee for Eid Al-Adha 2020, "Alhamdulillah, qurban (sacrificial animals) this year we’ve got 7 goats and 3 cows, all of which were gifts from the donor, such as the university executive board, lecturers, staffs and also students. Insha’Allah (god’s willing) we will distribute it to the mustahik (zakat recipient) in the internal of UPN Veteran Jakarta environment, especially for the employees and those who needed, and indeed we as the committee, will distribute it to the external environment of UPNVJ". Said Ade
"If we compare it with the previous year, undoubtedly there is a significant difference because this year the Muslim community has to held qurbani process during the pandemic, therefore we are executing slaughter for sacrificial animals with following the health protocols. Hopefully this year's Eid al-Adha will run smoothly and hopefully in the following years the situation will be get better. Trustfully the pandemic period will come to an end very soon”. He continued.
Full Video of Eid-al Adha at UPNVJ :