To Improve Lecturer Competency, Faculty of Economics and Business Held Certified Mitigation in Procurement

Public Relations Team - Although it is still in a pandemic situation and lectures have not started yet, the enthusiasm of the UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) lecturers, especially lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) are trying to improve their competency.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020, the Faculty of Economics and Business of UPNVJ held a Certification Activity called "Certified Mitigation in Procurement (CMiP)" on the Sibuni Room number 2, M.H. Thamrin Building, Faculty of Economics and Business , which take place for the next three days with the two days of training and one day of examinations.  

Followed by fourteen FEB lecturers, this activity presented several speakers such as, Piping Efrianto, SE, M.Si, CFrA,  Prof. Yuliansyah, SE, M.SA, Ph.D.Ak as well as the CMiP team.

In this occasion, Diawicaksih as the Dean of FEB said "this activity was designed to provide value-added to the mitigation competency of Lecturers and Students in inspecting various risk of analysing the procurement of goods and services using the Korupmeter test-simulation tool. This competency can be considered as the ability of the Early Warning System, and it is better if the lecturers have this competency, "said Dian in her speech.

With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that the Procurement activities could be effectively, safely, rapidly, transparently, efficiently and accountably implemented.


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