Second Day of PKKMB, Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro inserts the Value of State Defense in New Students


HumasUPNVJ - Thursday, September 10 2020 is the second day of the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) which is still taking place online.

Although not meeting face to face in this year's PKKMB, UPN Veteran Jakarta is trying its best to be able to provide higher education knowledge to new students.

In addition to providing understanding and introducing the current way of studying in higher education, UPN Veteran Jakarta is also trying to provide an understanding of the campus' identity, namely the identity of Defending the Country.

In this case Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, who had served as Minister of Defense with a term of office from 22 October 2009 to 20 October 2014 and is currently a Professor at ITB, had the opportunity to provide knowledge of State Defense in the Industrial Age 4.0 to new students at UPN Veterans Jakarta.

Before entering into the discussion Prof. Purnomo congratulated the 3,080 new students who had struggled to pass the state university entrance selection and successfully passed to become students at UPN Veteran Jakarta class of 2020.

"Congratulations on being accepted at UPN Veteran Jakarta, you are a proud generation of the nation and are pioneers of State Defense in Indonesia," said Prof. Purnomo.

As the main discussion Prof. Purnomo explained about the concept of State Defense insight and how the public views our country which is the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"With the vast territory of our country's archipelago, Indonesia is a quite large and strategic location so that it cannot be separated from industrial development and various threats both from a military and non-military perspective," he explained.

An explanation of the extent of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia with an area of 1,905 million KM² (2/3 of the Southeast Asian Region) with a population of more than 260 million in 2019 with this, Indonesia cannot avoid threats such as non-military threats which are currently more dominant.

"The role of universities and their students participating in realizing the value of defending the country that can be implemented in campus life".

For that reason, implementing the value of Defending the Country can be done starting from small things, such as being disciplined, obeying all regulations, being orderly and maintaining the unity of the country while respecting each other.

"Currently the industrial revolution that is happening in our country is very rapid, one of which is the revolution in technological progress where this progress can boomerang for us if we can't make good use of it, while prioritizing self-discipline and having a sense of maintaining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. nothing to fear but a sense of pride because we will continue to innovate and develop,” said Prof. Purnomo.

He also explained the history of the industrial revolution that occurred starting from industry 1.0 which was the industrial revolution with production mechanization, then there was Industry 2.0, namely the process of development in terms of manufacturing, electricity and assembly of mass production, Industry 3.0, namely the manufacturing industrial revolution assisted by IT & production automation robots , and Industry 4.0, namely the development of collaborative manufacturing, digital and physical integration, big data, optimization & digitization of production.

He also said learning to defend the country is to learn to love the motherland, awareness of the nation and state, having the initial ability to defend the country in actualizing the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. At the moment.

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