Inauguration and Oath of Profession Nurse, Associate Nursing Expert, Nutritionist and Associate Physiotherapy Expert in the Faculty of Health Sciences


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta held the Inauguration and Oath of Profession of Nurses, Associate Nursing Experts, Nutritionists and Associate Physiotherapy Experts at the Faculty of Health Sciences which were held at the Tanah Airku Auditorium UPNVJ, Limo, on Tuesday (20/10/20).

While still prioritizing health protocols, technically the implementation was carried out online and only a few students were present as representatives considering the current pandemic conditions are still felt together while maintaining distance.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Dr. drg. Wahyu Sulistiadi, MARS said that at this time it was only the first step to enter real life.

“Prove to your family and the community that today's graduates are really capable, work according to your profession to the fullest extent possible. Currently we are fighting Covid-19, the country really needs you as the front guard to break the chain of Covid-19. mutually reinforcing is the key, don't stop here. Develop the knowledge you have, don't stop it, knowledge is everywhere, distribute knowledge, and increase experience, "explained Wahyu.

Taufiq Maryusman, M.Gz as the Deputy Dean of Academics in his report said that there were 420 graduates of the Faculty of Health Sciences in the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year, with 239 graduates currently carrying out the professional oath to obtain a Registration Certificate (STR) as a condition for working as a health worker. .

Taufik also said that the average timeliness of study for graduates in 2020 was 96% with an average GPA of 3.49 FIKES graduates and the recipient of the highest GPA or recipient of the Mahardik award on behalf of Wida Aulia, Undergraduate Program in Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences.

The Inauguration and Oath of Profession of Nurses and Associate Nursing Experts were carried out by the Head of DPW PPNI Ns. Jajang Rachmat, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Kom and the Inauguration and Oath of a Nutritionist were carried out by the Chairman of PERSAGI, Pudjo Hartono., M.PS, then the Inauguration and Oath of Associate Physiotherapy Expert was carried out by the Head of IFI DKI Jakarta area Ari Sudarsono., SST, FT., SKM., M. FIS.


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