Inauguration and Taking Oath of Office in the UPNVJ Environment

HumasUPNVJ - The Chancellor again appointed 37 UPN Veterans Jakarta employees including: Deputy Dean, Head of Department, Head of Study Program, Secretary of Study Program, Head of Center, and Head of Laboratory.

The inauguration of UPNVJ employees took place at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ Floor 4 which was attended by the Chancellor of UPNVJ and witnessed by the Head of the General Affairs and Finance Bureau and also attended by UPNVJ employees online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


In his remarks, the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta explained the basis for work, "Congratulations to all of you who have been inaugurated today, there are several foundations for us to work on that must be prioritized, such as UPNVJ's own Vision, which is to Become an Innovative, Competitive, International Quality Superior University. And having a State Defense Identity for the Development of Indonesian Society, which includes a Strategic Plan, Key Performance Indicators, APS 4.0 and AIPT. I know this additional task is not easy, but I am sure that ladies and gentlemen who get this position, will definitely be able to trust and work together to make UPNVJ better.” he said


The following are the names appointed:

1) Putri Permatasari as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs & FIKes Cooperation

2) Erly krisnanik, S.Kom., MM. as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs & FIK Cooperation

3) Dr. Henry Binsar Hamonangan S., ST., MT. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FT

4) dr. Niniek Hardini, Sp.PA. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FK

5) Lidya Primta Surbakti, SE., M.Sc., Ak. as the Head of the LP3M Learning Development Center

6) Lukman Saleh Waluyo, SIKom., M.Sc. as Head of Center for Publication and Dissemination of LPPM

7) dr. Lisa Safira, Sp.A as Secretary of LP3M

8) Bayu Hananto, S.Kom., M.Kom as Head of the LP3M Quality Assurance Center

9) Anita Muliawati, S.Kom., MTI as Head of the Information Systems Department for the FIK Undergraduate Program

10) dr. Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Kes as Head of the Department of General Medicine for the FK Undergraduate Program

11) dr. Tri faranita, M.Ked (Ped), Sp.A. as Secretary of the Medical Profession Department of FK

12) Andi Manggala Putra, SE., M.Sc. as Head of the FEB Undergraduate Accounting Study Program

13) Agustyawan, SST., FT., M.Fis., Ftr. as the Head of the FIKes Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program

14) Arga Buntara, SKM., MPH. as the Head of the Public Health Study Program FIKes Undergraduate Program

15) Nur Cholis, ST, M.ENG., IPM as Head of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program for the FT Undergraduate Program

16) Muhammad As'adi, ST, MT as Head of the Industrial Engineering Study Program for the FT Undergraduate Program

17) Dr. Wiwin sulistyawati, ST, MT as Head of the Marine Engineering Study Program for the FT Undergraduate Program

18) Andi Kurniawan, S.Sos., M.Sc. as Head of the International Relations Study Program FISIP Undergraduate Program

19) Via Rifkia, S. Far., M.Si. as Secretary of the Pharmacy Study Program for the Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Program

20) Yuni Widiastiwi, S.Kom., M.Sc. as Head of the Informatics Study Program FIK Undergraduate Program

21) Dr. Luh Eka Purwani, SpGK, M.Kes as Head of the FK Medical Profession Study Program

22) Fiora Ladesvita, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB as Head of the Nursing Study Program FIKes Undergraduate Program

23) Tapiqurrahman, SH, MH as Coordinator/Head of the Law Study Program for the Faculty of Law

24) Ranila Suciati, SE., MM as Secretary of the Banking and Finance Study Program FEB Diploma Program

25) Zackharia Rialmi, S.IP., MM as Secretary of the FEB Undergraduate Management Study Program

26) Andy Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Ak. as Head of the Sibuni Laboratory

27) Rika Revina, S. Farm., M. Farm. as Head of the FK Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory

28) Apt. Dhigna uthfiyani Citra, S.Farm., M.Sc. as Head of FK's Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Chemistry Laboratory

29) Dr. Yudhi Nugraha, S.Sc., M.Biomed as Head of FK's Stem Cell Laboratory

30) Dr. dr. Basuki Supartono, Sp.OT., FICS, MARS as Head of the FK Surgical Laboratory

31) Muhammad Arifudin Lukman, ST, MT as Head of the Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory & Head of the FT Mechatronics Laboratory

32) Dr. Damora Rhakasywi, ST, MT, IPP as Head of the FT Computing Laboratory

33) Fahrudin, ST, MT as Head of the FT Machine Achievement Laboratory

34) Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman, ST, MT as Head of FT Production System Planning and Optimization Laboratory

35) Ria Astriratma, M.Cs. as Head of the FIK Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

36) Noor Falih, S.Kom., MT as Head of the FIK Programming Laboratory

37) Sarika, S. Kom., M. Kom. as Head of FIK Database Laboratory

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