There is a Surprise Give Away at UPNVJ's 65th Graduation


The 65th Graduation Ceremony of UPN Veteran Jakarta brought an interesting impression to the graduates with Diploma, Bachelor, Professional and Masters degrees. Graduation will be held online at 07.30 WIB on Saturday, 10 October 2020.

There is something different about this graduation, namely the Give Away for the graduates. In this give away, the committee has prepared six cellphones and one laptop to be distributed to the lucky graduates. There are a number of provisions that must be followed by graduates, apart from having to take part in the whole series of graduation events, the requirement to be able to get these prizes is to turn on the camera during the graduation process.

More than 1300 graduates from all study programs participated in the lottery.

The prizes will be taken in the student division.

The following is a list of winners for the 65th graduation ceremony at UPN Veteran Jakarta.

  1. Farhan Zikri Zaidan Karim – 1610411212
  2. Nabiih Al Daffa Dhanardana – 1710501010
  3. Heraldy Dwi Nugroho – 1610111050
  4. Siti Faridah Rukhmah – 1910721028
  5. Good Aryoseno Aji – 1610713063
  6. Ricca Sahara – 1610713050
  7. Risma Yulistiani - 1610511030


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