Faculty of Law UPNVJ Holds the 2020 National Conference on Law Studies (NCOLS).

Humas UPNVJ - The Covid-19 pandemic is not a barrier for UPN Veteran Jakarta Faculty of Law students to continue carrying out productive activities. Today, Tuesday 17 November 2020 FH UPNVJ is again holding the National Conference on Law Studies (NCOLS).

The National Conference on Law Studies (NCOLS) is an activity carried out in the form of national seminars and the creation of scientific journals that will be published in reputable national proceedings and journals. Which is an annual activity carried out by FH UPNVJ. This year is the second year that UPNVJ Faculty of Law is holding a national seminar and making scientific journals, and this year the theme is; "Legal Development Towards A Digital Society Era".

This activity invited several speakers, including; Dr. Sugeng Purnomo as the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. HM Aziz Syamsuddin, SE, SH, MAF, MH, as the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) for the 2014-2019 period, Dr. Jellu Leviza SH, M.Hum as Vice Dean III of USU's Faculty of Law and Prof. Dr. Bambang Waluyo, SH, MH as UPNVJ Professor.

The activity began with Zulkifli's remarks as the chief executive of NCOLS 2020, "I, as the chief executive, would like to thank the parties who have supported this activity. And I apologize if there are any shortcomings in the implementation of this event. And hopefully today's seminar can provide benefits for all of us ". he said


Dr. H. Abdul Halim, M.Ag Dean of the Faculty of Law in his remarks, "This activity is an achievement for the students because they will put their thoughts into publication later. On this occasion, we want to make FH the faculty with the most publications. This activity is also a positive culture in FH which we will always support.” Halima said


After the remarks by the chief executive and the Dean, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati also took the time to attend and opened the event, "Thank you to all the speakers who were present, I hope that the materials presented will be well understood by all participants and the lecturers present. In my opinion, the theme taken is also in accordance with the current situation we are in.” Erna said while opening the seminar.


The activity continued with directions from the Deputy Coordinator for Law and Human Rights of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Dr. Sugeng Purnomo, regarding Legal Substance "Talking about legal culture, laws that live and develop in society with respect, protection, enforcement and promotion of human rights, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. For legal aspects, the PUU which formed them is based on the principle, types, hierarchies and good content material and produce quality regulations. For the existing legal structure, law enforcement officers are concerned with the integrity and professionalism of law enforcement officers working in accordance with their respective duties and functions."

The series of activities was followed by a panel discussion by the resource persons.


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