Starting to Work from Within, FiveTV UPNVJ Holds a Workshop: "How To Make Creative Content In Social Media"


HumasUPNVJ - On Sunday. November 29, 2020, FIVE TV UPN Veteran Jakarta held Workshop 3.0 with the theme "How To Make Creative Content In Social Media" . Against the background of developments in information and communication technology, social media has become an efficient and effective platform for presenting interesting information. Therefore, in accordance with the theme or topic raised at the workshop this time, the aim is to provide information or learning about the process of creating and packaging creative and interesting content. This workshop presented two speakers who fit the topic, including Daffa Urrofi and Medy Renaldy who are content creators . Even though it was held online via the Zoom platform , it did not reduce the enthusiasm of the participants who attended the workshop .

The workshop program was held at 13.00-15.00 WIB guided by Rafi Athallah as the host then continued with prayer readings, reading the agenda and regulations, listening to the Indonesia Raya anthem, and followed by giving remarks by Nina Anissa as the Project Officer , Laksana Aprilanda as Chairman of FIVE TV UPNVJ, and Dr. Asep Kamaluddin Nashir S.Ag., M.Sc. as Vice Dean III. After that, the event was taken up by Disa Prihantini as the moderator. The moderator read out the CVs from the resource persons and continued with conversations with the first speaker, Daffa Urrofi. In the talk, Daffa Urrofi explained a little about the activities undertaken during the pandemic. In his free time, Urrofi usually spends his time making creative videos. Even though it is constrained by the density of lecture activities, this can be overcome by dividing the time where from morning to afternoon it is spent on lecturing activities and in the afternoon for video editing activities and so on. Urrofi explained that his initial interest in videography started with publishing funny and entertaining content. From this, he received positive feedback so that he could encourage his creativity and consistency. After the talk was over, it was followed by the presentation of the first material.

The first material presentation was delivered by Daffa Urrofi. In his presentation, he explained what is meant by digital media, various types of digital media such as for example Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok and so on. Currently, Tiktok is one of the digital media that is widely used by many social media users. In this case, Urrofi explained how the algorithm on social media is so that published content becomes popular and in great demand. As a tip how to maximize the trend , namely by using popular sound . Apart from that, the video duration is around 15-18 seconds or not too long to make the audience interested in our videos. In creating interesting content, there are several things that need to be considered, including determining ideas that we certainly master, being sensitive to trends and being consistent in publishing this content.

After the presentation of the first material, it was followed by a little talk with the second speaker, namely Medy Renaldy. In the talk, Medy explained a little about the activities carried out during the pandemic, one of which was creating creative content. Medy also explained that her initial interest in becoming a content creator started in 2018, when she was just making pictures for fun. The picture, which was published via Instagram, received a positive response. Apart from being active on the Instagram platform , Medy Renaldy is currently also active on Tiktok which is a platform that is in great demand by social media users. He further explained in his material presentation. Medy explained that digital media is a tool that makes it easier for us to explore what is our passion. However, many people don't want to start creating content. Some of them don't want to start for a number of reasons including because they don't have the talent to offer, don't have adequate cameras or tools, and so on. This is of course a concern , many people want to start but are afraid for a number of reasons. By emphasizing this, Medy explained that in starting to create content, you basically don't have to have a competency or expertise in that field, in this case it takes will and courage to start. Apart from that, the way we deliver content becomes a characteristic for us which certainly differentiates us from other content creators . Medy also explained that to produce good and quality content does not necessarily mean having adequate equipment or a camera. Basically, the first content we create will certainly be far from perfect. However, it is a process of how we learn to produce better content in the future. In this regard, Medy provides an example of a platform that beginners can use to start creating content, namely Tiktok. Currently, Tiktok is a platform that is loved and has been widely downloaded through the app store and play store by approximately 2 billion social media users. Active tiktok users are aged 16-24 years. With this platform , Medy also emphasized that in creating content basically you don't need to try to be perfect, the most important thing is that our content is able to attract or engage the interest of the audience. On the Tiktok platform there is also a For Your Page feature which allows people who basically don't follow us to watch our videos. This is of course an advantage which allows interaction by our video connoisseurs to provide feedback . From this feedback, of course, it will be input for us to be able to produce even better content in the future.

After the presentation of the material from the two speakers was over, the next event was the Q&A session which was guided by the moderator. The first question came from Ismi Puteri (UPNVJ) who asked "How can we survive as content creators if the platforms we used to use are no longer in demand?" Questions were answered by Medy Renaldy, she explained that basically we need to prepare several other alternative platforms that we can use, so that if one of the platforms we use is less desirable, then we can still be productive and creative with other platforms. Apart from that, we also need to pay attention to what is trending all the time, so that the content we create can also continue to be in demand. The second question is "How to overcome lazy conditions in creating content?" This question was first answered by Daffa Urrofi, he explained that as a content creator sometimes he has experienced this laziness because it is difficult to come up with ideas. The solution to this is to refer to trends which of course adapt to what we are good at in creating content. This question was also answered in the same way by Medy Renaldy who both put forward trends as a solution when it was difficult to come up with ideas for creating content.

The last question came from Merlinda (UNSIKA) who asked "How to deal with creators who steal the content we create?" Medy Renaldy responded to this question first, she explained that content might be stolen, but creativity cannot be stolen. He further explained how to overcome this by reprimanding the party concerned or the content thief. So that later those who steal the content will no longer do this in the future. This question also received the same response from Daffa Urrofi, he further explained about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which might be a solution regarding digital copyright claims.

After the question and answer session ended, the moderator guided the speakers to deliver the Closing Statement . Daffa Urrofi conveyed a few messages for beginners to start creating content consistently. Even though we don't have a large number of viewers, if we are consistent and pursue this we will be able to develop our ideas and creativity so that we are able to produce quality content in the future. Medy Renaldy also explained that apart from being consistent, we also need to understand what is trending at all times, so that this can attract the interest of our content connoisseurs. However, even though referring to trends does not mean we do copy-paste , but how do we package the content with the characteristics or passion that we have.

With this closing statement , the workshop event has ended. The event was hosted again by Raffi Athalla as the host by expressing his thanks to all participants who attended the workshop and continued with a group photo session. Thus the event was completed and run smoothly.

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