The Importance of Presentation Skills, UPNVJ Holds Presentation Design Training for Tendik


HumasUPNVJ - Hearing the Presentation Power Point (PPT) application is no stranger to our ears. PPT is a computer program that is used by many groups as a media presentation. In the world of higher education, we are waiting for the use of this application starting from lecturers in teaching, students in lectures, educational staff in meetings with leaders. So that the use of PPT for many people is one of the needs in conveying information or in the form of presentations to others.

Seeing this need, UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a "Presentation Design Training" intended for education staff within UPNVJ which took place at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, on Thursday (26/11/20).

In her remarks, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati hopes that this training can provide appropriate knowledge, so that in the future the presentations delivered can be interesting, easy to understand and the information conveyed is clear and in accordance with both parties, both presenters and the audience.

"This is an activity that I want, which at this early stage is intended for educational staff, because I hope that during meetings at UPNVJ and activities outside campus, the presentations shown can be understood, and the message is truly conveyed by the audience. All of this has knowledge, knowledge is not only here but through the times there is also a lot of presentation knowledge that can be viewed via the internet," said the chancellor.


The Chancellor also hopes that through this activity the participants will not only make the usual presentation material, but can understand their knowledge first before making a presentation so that the information is conveyed properly.

"I hope here we can first get the knowledge and then put it into practice. I also hope that from the implementation of these two days the knowledge gained will not end here but will continue to be developed. After this, we have also prepared several reports which will later show the results of each participant during the training, "explained the chancellor.

The training, which was held for two days, was attended by approximately 40 people including education staff in the UPNVJ environment by presenting three trainers who were UPNVJ lecturers namely Catur Nugrahaeni PD lecturer and also the Head of UPT. Career Development and Entrepreneurship, Sarika, a lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science and Bayu Hananto, a lecturer and also the Head of Quality Assurance Center of LP3M.

After this training, later the participants will be evaluated by giving several reports for each section which will be converted into presentation material by adjusting to the knowledge taught in the training.


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