UPNVJ FK Student Wins Best 3 Oral Presentation in the 2020 International Conference of Public Health


HumasUPNVJ - 2020 seems to be a lucky year for one of the UPN Veterans Jakarta Faculty of Medicine (FK UPNVJ) Woro Ayu Sekararum students to win 3rd place in The 7th International Conference of Public Health 2020 (ICPH).

UNS held an international seminar on 18-19 November 2020.

This international conference which was held online was the first experience for Woro Ayu Sekararum, who is usually called Arum. With this achievement, Arum proved that the Covid-19 pandemic was not an obstacle as an active student in achieving achievements.

On the occasion of being interviewed online by the UPNVJ public relations team, Arum shared his story of participating in an international event for the first time as a UPNVJ FK student.

By submitting a journal entitled “ The Correlation Between Secretory Phospolipase A2 Type IIA Levels and Mean Platelet Volume Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient ” Arum won 3rd place in the epidemiology and public health category

"I was informed about this seminar by my thesis supervisor, Ms. Nurfitri. After that I submitted a full paper (thesis) to the seminar. The event takes place on November 18-19 and I will be presenting on November 19. There were 385 oral presentation participants from various countries and I won 3rd place in the best oral presentation in the epidemiology and public health category.

"I submitted a full paper, so I rearranged my thesis manuscript into a journal format according to the ICPH guidelines . The manuscript was then revised by my thesis advisor first, after that I submitted it to the ICPH website. After the Letter of Acceptance was issued, I continued to make ppt and prepare presentations in English," said Arum.

Even though it was his first experience, Arum admitted that there were no significant obstacles in the following process. Not only that, Arum also delivered a message as motivation for other fellow students to have the courage to try new things.

"Maybe friends, don't be afraid to submit journals, especially from the research that was done during the thesis. At first I was afraid to submit because I was afraid the process would be difficult and long. However, it turns out that the process is not difficult and there will be a lot of help from the seminar team. Maybe also assisted by your mentor "he concluded.

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