Realize Higher Education and Industry Collaboration Through the Kedai Reka Platform

HumasUPNVJ - The Kedaireka Platform is an effort to increase creativity in tertiary institutions and solve problems that exist in the world of work, because without synergy between the world of work and higher education there will be broken links . This was stated by the Director General of Higher Education, Nizam, at the press conference of the Grand Launching of the Kedaireka platform organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI), on Monday (7/12).

"Without intensive collaboration between the world of work and the world of higher education, maximum results will not be created if each party operates individually. This is what underlies the birth of the Kedaireka platform," said Nizam.
The Kedaireka Platform is the official platform from the Ministry of Education and Culture which will be launched through the Directorate General of Higher Education on December 12, 2020. This is considered important so that the business world and education can go hand in hand, to help the industrial world.

"Kedaireka is a platform to build optimism between the world of work which has various problems and needs, and can meet with the world of higher education which has various solutions to these problems," he said.

This is also based on the creation of the Merdeka Campus which is a new pattern in the learning system of Higher Education in Indonesia, so that several things need to be adjusted in dealing with changing times such as curriculum, information technology systems and others.

The Merdeka Campus is an autonomous and flexible form of learning in tertiary institutions so as to create a learning culture that is innovative, not restrictive, and in accordance with the needs of students. This is where the need for collaboration or cooperation between the education sector and the industrial sector in creating an invention so that it can increase production and distribution in the domestic and global sectors. The role of the education sector, especially higher education, is as a research and development center for industry to develop new technologies.

Universities can also be a pilot project site for inventions or technologies that have been made before the technology is widely distributed. In addition, universities can provide quality human resources so that they can improve industry performance both domestically and globally.

Therefore, the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture will look at the feasibility of the program to achieve the 8 Key Performance Indicators (IKU) as well as the track record of institutions and/or partners in academic and KPI quality improvement programs. Through these 8 Key Performance Indicators, graduates can get decent jobs, students get experience outside the campus, lecturers carry out activities outside the campus, practitioners teach on campus, the results of lecturers' work are used by the community and get international recognition, study programs collaborate with world-class partners, class collaborative and participatory, and international standard study programs.
With the existence of a relationship between campuses and the industrial world, there will be an attachment between creative research in higher education and industry and community needs, so that beneficial impacts on society can be realized in the spirit of mutual cooperation of innovators, industry, government, media and community. Not only campuses and industry, it is hoped that the local community or society will be implicated both directly and indirectly from the results of creative research.
"Kedaireka is a platform for building innovation into works that will increase industry leverage. So it is hoped that the needs in the industrial world will be connected with the competencies possessed by higher education, "he explained.
In this regard, the Coordinator of the Copyright Acceleration Work Team, Achmad Adhitya Maramis, also explained that Kedaireka's presence acts as a home for researchers, a place to serve industry and society, and a place for startups to form. In addition, Kedaireka is also expected to become a synergy house for other pentahelix who wish to contribute to advancing the nation.

"So far, other programs carried out by the government have been carried out well, but it must be optimized by having the right "home". With Kedaireka, all innovators throughout Indonesia now have a home to gather to provide the best solutions for the nation according to the Kedaireka logo," explained Achmad Adhitya.

Achmad emphasized that Kedaireka must be utilized as much as possible and synergize in pentahelix so that its presence becomes optimal. According to him, Kedaireka must become a movement that can combine all the potential of the nation, campus and industry to become a solution for the community, especially in the midst of a pandemic.
The results of this collaboration can later be translated according to the needs of each cluster, such as: automation, agribusiness, information and communication technology, health, education, and so on. Collaboration between stakeholders is expected to provide the widest possible benefits for the community, as well as one of the real efforts to help recover the national economy as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The process of building and becoming a pentahelix community solution is important because if Indonesia has to follow the same path as other developed countries, then we will be left behind, because Indonesia is just starting. So, like it or not, we have to accelerate our path, one of which is through Kedaireka," he added.

On the other hand, the transformation of information technology makes it easy for students to access information from various learning sources so that the educational paradigm should also change. The new paradigm has made the classroom a shared learning space for lecturers and students, co-creating culture and technology, and co-creating the future of the Indonesian nation.

Digital learning is the future of the learning process that will last a lifetime, if the development of digital technology continues as it is now. If the potential for digital progress can be optimized by preparing superior human resources, then economic recovery and the nation's progress in the future can be realized.

Source: Public Relations of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture 9CKedaire%20is%20platform%20for%20build,for%20problems%20the%2C%E2%80%9D%20 he said .

So for #belanegara friends, don't miss the Grand Launching of Kedai Reka @ditjendikti , guyssss😉


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