Accelerate Granted Patents, UPNVJ Conducts Mediation

HumasUPNVJ - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a measure of the success of an institution in producing works in the field of engineering. HKI UPN Veteran Jakarta always tries to improve itself and make developments to increase the amount of data that is granted patents.

On Wednesday, January 20 2021, UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held mediation (bringing together) between Patent Examiners of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and UPNVJ Inventors to jointly discuss the invention for which the patent application was submitted until an agreement was reached on both the format and substance of the patent.

In this mediation, UPNVJ discussed 2 (two) documents, including the 6x6 Panzer Cabin Design with Ergonomics Principles with the inventor Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfud, M.Sc, Dr. Ir Reda Rizal, M.Si., Ir. Lilik Zulaiha, M. Si and the document Prototype Model Double Hull Water Bus Fiber Glass Transport Capacity of 35 People with inventor Ir. Amir Marasabessy, MT., Drs. Bambang Sudjasta, MT, Ir. Rusdy Hatuwe, MT

Obtaining patents for tertiary institutions greatly affects the performance of these tertiary institutions, because it will affect the determination of the classification or ranking of tertiary institutions. The lifeblood of patents is commercialization, meaning that inventions found through obtaining patents must be able to partner with industry so that they can be produced and also become a source of income for universities.

Based on the report by Kayus Kayowuan from the LPPM HKI Center, mediation which was carried out online with Ir. Iksan, M.Sc. The Patent Directorate of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia produced a fairly good process, although there are still some technical improvements to patent documents related to the clarity of inventions, claims and standard procedures for writing patent documents.

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