Supporting the Transformation of Lecturer Professionalism in the Implementation of the Independent Campus, UPNVJ Holds a National Webinar Seminar


HumasUPNVJ - Having hard skill and soft skill competencies according to the needs of the era is what all tertiary institutions want to achieve. With the promulgation of the Independent Campus Curriculum (KKM) by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, it provides new challenges for all tertiary institutions to be implemented as well as possible. This is focused on producing graduates who are creative and can compete in the industrial world.

On that basis, still in the series of the 58th Anniversary, UPN Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) held a National Seminar Webinar with the theme "Transformation of Lecturer Professionalism in the Implementation of KKM (Independent Campus Curriculum) to Produce Students with Morals and Skill 4.0" which was attended by 400 participants from universities throughout Indonesia, on Thursday, (04/02/21).

This national webinar UPNVJ presented 3 (three) speakers namely Prof. Ir. Zainal A. Hasibuan, MLS., Ph.D Chairman of the Information and Computer Higher Education Association (APTIKOM), Prof. Drs. T. Basaruddin, m.Sc., Ph.D Executive Director of BAN-PT and Dr. Alim Setyawan Slamet, S.TP., M.Si Lecturer in the Management Science Study Program of IPB.

In this case, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati also said that this webinar was the closing of the UPNVJ 58th Anniversary series. He hopes that this webinar can inspire and build lecturers to be responsible for their goals as lecturers.


" Lecturers play an important role in the success of students, contributing so that students are able to become graduates who have competitiveness. Delivering students who are suitable for any era, "said the chancellor.

He also added that with the fast changing era, lecturers have the obligation to make adjustments in carrying out their duties in educating students. Not only produce students who have competence but students who have character and morality are also needed.

As the main speaker, Prof. Basaruddin emphasized that KKM is an extraordinary way for students to have competence and expertise.

Merdeka Learning (MB) curriculum design and its implementation in which stakeholders are relevant for cooperation in developing student competencies.

Significant changes to lecturers in implementing KMMB policies, these changes require system support at universities and ministries.

Besides that, Prof. Zainal also explained the triggers for the digital era and the disruptive era, demands for change, independent learning and an independent campus, campus dynamics in response to change and teaching and learning processes and 21st century competencies.

“The 21st century is marked by the digital era which causes disruption in various aspects of life. The campus is the front line for producing superior, competitive human resources," said Prof. Zainal.

Industrial revolution 4.0 technology must be integrated into the tridarma of higher education. Lecturers are the movers and determinants of the success or failure of an efficient digital transformation. Implementing Merdeka Learning and Merdeka Campus in higher education tridarma activities because the goal is that the teaching and learning process must be more varied and flexible and more creative according to needs.

Dr. Alim also conveyed the role of driving lecturers in the implementation of MBKM and the achievement of IKU in independent campus universities.

There was a wave of industrial revolution 4.0 disruption, namely millennial disruption, technology disruption and competency disruption.

The role of higher education, lecturers and students is characterized by Future Practice, Growth Mindset, Agile Learner and Strong Character.

There are 8 (eight) activities on the Merdeka Campus that can be carried out, namely student exchanges, internships, teaching at schools, research, building villages, independent studies or projects, student entrepreneurship and humanitarian projects.

KPI Main Performance Indicators will be the basis for the transformation of Higher Education with the benefits of graduates getting decent jobs, students get experience outside the campus, lecturers carry out activities outside the campus, practitioners teach inside the lamp, lecturers' work is used by the community or gets international recognition, study programs work together with world-class partners, collaborative and participatory classes and international standard study programs.

Dr. Alim also informed the function of the driving lecturers who were already at IPB, namely helping students design portfolios from entry to graduation, providing considerations related to the learning menu according to the scale of priorities and interests, helping students channel their interests and work to improve their academic abilities and help students use independence. learn by understanding LO in accordance with the study program.

With the explanation of the experts in this Webinar, it is hoped that the implementation of the Merdekaa Campus and Merdeka Learning can meet the targets expected by universities and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

For other participants who haven't had time to take part in this national Webinar, you can watch the UPNVJ Youtube page with the link


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