FIK UPNVJ Holds Follow-Up Meeting on Lecturer Tridharma Improvement

HumasUPNVJ - As is well known, the Tridharma of higher education is the obligation of higher education in organizing education, research, and community service, to improve Tridharma's services, the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and his staff held a meeting which took place at Gd. FIK UPN Veteran Jakarta which was attended directly by the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs. (12/10)

During the meeting, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Anter Venus opened the meeting by giving several directions, "Previously we must understand very well about lecturer competencies, which consist of four competencies, including: professional competence, personal competence, social competence and gedogic competence. The spirit of RTL is a spirit of collaboration, not competence, lecturers who embrace others much like senior lecturers embrace young people, good cooperation, all binding and supporting each other and there are no quotations for lecturers to return, "said Venus

The Chancellor of UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati also gave several directions related to RTL, university monitoring and evaluation results related to learning, publications, internal quality audits, IKU, Deputy Dean for student affairs and cooperation, and Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka.


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