Obey Prokes! This is the Atmosphere of Limited Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) at UPNVJ

HumasUPNVJ - The imposition of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in level one to three areas, opens opportunities for education units to carry out limited face-to-face learning (PTM) with permission from the local government. Of the 514 districts/cities, 471 of them are in the PPKM level 1-3. If calculated from the total number of schools of 540 thousand schools, 91 percent of them are allowed to do limited PTM.
"So there are 490,217 schools that are allowed. But the regional speed in conducting limited PTM varies greatly," said the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, and Secondary Education (Dirjen Pauddasmen), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Jumeri, at the Merdeka Learning Gathering episode 6: Limited Face-to-Face Learning and Local Government Readiness, which was broadcast on the KEMENDIKBUD RI Youtube channel, Thursday (9/9). ( https://bit.ly/2YK4a7q )

The Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) itself has been implementing PTM for two days starting Monday 11 October 2021 yesterday. The limited PTM held at UPNVJ is of course by implementing strict health protocols in accordance with government directives, namely by using a medical mask, maintaining distance, washing hands before and after activities, using personal hand sanitizers and most importantly the students who enter must have carried out a minimum of vaccinations first dose and have a Protect protect account.


When met by the Public Relations team, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Anter Venus explained that limited PTM was carried out only with a 50 percent number of students, "This limited PTM is temporarily still prioritized for students in Batch 2020 and 2021 with a maximum class capacity of only 50 percent. The face-to-face meetings that will be carried out are not only for lectures and practicums but also apply to mentoring activities and final assignment sessions. Apart from these activities, they are not allowed to enter the campus location,” he explained

The entry flow when PTM is limited remains the same as usual, according to the prokes flow according to government regulations:

1. Checking the temperature, if the participant's temperature exceeds the provisions of the Covid-19 protocol (> 37.5 degrees C) they are not allowed to join the class and are welcome to go to a special room for further examination by the medical team.

2. Have a Care Protect account

3. It is mandatory to vaccinate at least the first dose

4. Maintain a minimum distance of 1-1.5 meters.

5. Always use a mask and use personal hand sanitizer .

6. Checking the completeness of documents and checking class schedules according to the KST (Student Study Card) by the officer on duty, and

7. Wash hands before and after activities.


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