The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and UPNVJ are again holding a Television Broadcast Program Quality Index Research Period 2 of 2021.

HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta and KPI are again conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) regarding the Television Broadcast Program Quality Index Research. The collaboration between UPNVJ and KPI has entered its fourth year since it was first held in 2018. This activity took place at The Margo Hotel, Depok (17/10) and was attended by the Head of Central KPI, Agung Suprio, Central KPI Planning Sub Coordinator, Riva' I Nur Setio, Dean of FISIP UPNVJ, R Dudy Heryadi and Arif Fathurrahman from KPID Jakarta.

In his remarks via video conference , Agung said that this research was carried out in order to improve the quality of broadcasting in Indonesia, "So now even though there are research institutions that have conducted research related to television broadcasting, they still have weaknesses, especially in terms of methodology and more quantitatively, so that our research is different because it digs up information directly from sources so that it can also provide a qualitative description of television programs," he said

Agung appreciated UPNVJ's participation as one of the campuses that has consistently carried out this research well, “We are also grateful to UPNVJ because so far it has been a very disciplined university in carrying out this program. Until now, this FGD research is still included in the national program by Bappenas. And we can see the trend in the quality of our television broadcasting during the last 4 years we have carried out this research, has relatively continued to improve, "added Agung

"This research is one of KPI's efforts to improve the quality of television which is expected to be used as a reference for related parties. "I hope this research can produce good output and can be used by the broadcasting industry so they continue to improve themselves. Not only UPNVJ, but all parties must have a commitment to create quality TV shows," he concluded.


Representing UPNVJ, Dudy Heryadi as the Dean of FISIP UPNVJ also expressed his gratitude to KPI for still trusting UPNVJ as a partner in carrying out this research. "For us (UPNVJ) this is a matter of pride because KPI has trusted us for four years in a row. Hopefully in the future the collaboration between UPNVJ and KPI can continue so that it can bring goodness and blessings to all parties," said Dudy.

For UPNVJ, this collaboration is a form of real implementation of State Defense because it has contributed to realizing the quality of television broadcasts in Indonesia which is expected to improve after the results of this activity will later be socialized to all broadcasting institutions at the national level.


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