HumasUPNVJ - As an effort to improve competency in conducting individual assessments on various lines, the Academics Assessment & Development Center at the Jakarta Veterans National Development University (UPNVJ) is collaborating with the Industrial & Organizational Psychology Association (APIO).
"UPNVJ Baru has established an assessment center and we have started to move, with the support of several parties in this early stage we want to do certification first, this is what underlies this activity to help create prospective assessors," said Dr. A. Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS Head of the UPNVJ Academics Assessment & Development Center in his remarks via zoom meeting, on Tuesday (19/10/21).
Please note, APIO is an association of people who are interested in studying or applying psychology in industrial and organizational settings. APIO is an open association.
In this activity, it was announced that the follow-up to the collaboration would be carried out by the Assessment Center Assessor Certification Training which will be held in November.
The plan is for prospective UPNVJ assessors to obtain certification as HR competency assessors that apply nationally.
During the training, the prospective assessors also received discussion of material regarding training on basic principles in designing assessment centers, data integration skills, assessor meetings, application of assessment centers in human resource management, preparation of assessment center reports, assessment center feedback, assessment code of ethics, implementation of assessments. online center.