Directorate General of Belmawa Opens Batch Three UPN Veterans Dikwal Activities

HumasUPNVJ - After holding the first batch of State Defense Early Education (Dikwal) at UPN Veteran East Java and batch two at UPN Veteran Jakarta, then, third batch of Dikwal for UPN Veterans was held at the Sabang Merauke building, Air Force Academy (AAU) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which was attended by 133 participants from three UPNs. (20/12)

This activity is a space to improve the UPN Veteran's corps spirit as a state defense campus which contains the values of planting Widya Mwat Yasa. "Widya Mwat Yasa" (WIMAYA) is the identity of UPN Veteran which means learning to build. Wimaya has a real meaning, namely studying knowledge that is used to serve as much as possible to the nation and state with a pure and clean heart.


In this third batch, Dikwal was opened directly by Prof. drh. Aris Junaidi, Ph.D. as Director of Learning and Student Affairs RI. Prof Aris. In his remarks he said that the early education for defending the country was very useful for building the character of the educators and education staff who attended it.

"In line with the vision of UPN Veteran, the Ministry of Education and Culture hopes that UPN Veteran as a state defense campus can become a superior university of international quality that is innovative, competitive and has the identity of defending the country for the development of Indonesian society. Graduates of Higher Education must be able to develop science and technology and manage/develop research to provide scientific evidence-based solutions with an inter/multi/transdisciplinary approach that is beneficial for the benefit of mankind. he concluded

The Chancellor of UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati explained that this activity was a joint program with UPNV East Java and UPNVJ Yogyakarta with the aim of being able to form the character of defending the country from all UPN employees, "This Dikwal is a joint program of three UPNs and we will only do it again when all of them have switched status to become universities." State High School, because before that we had no character development program for state defense for employees like this. We want the values and culture of UPN as a state defense campus to never fade," explained Erna

This activity was held in December with three different locations including the Gunung Sari Marines Training Center in Surabaya (UPNV East Java) (1 – 5 November 2021) for five days (56 hours of lessons), Bogor Rumpin Training Center (UPNV Jakarta) and the Air Force Academy (UPNV Jogja). With a total of 133 participants consisting of 29 participants from UPNVYK, 65 participants from UPNV East Java and 40 participants from UPNVJ.


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