Socialization of SKP, HCDP, Career First Aid and Open Bidding Procedures by UPNVJ General Bureau


HumasUPNVJ - For an institution or organization, the supporting factors for success are not limited to large capital or sophisticated technology. Human resources are one of the factors that also play a role in supporting the success of the institution. However, this will not materialize if HR is not managed properly and correctly. So that the management of human resources must really be a concern if an institution wants to develop. Related to the importance of managing human resources, on Wednesday (22/12/2021) a socialization of Employee Performance Targets (SKP), Human Capital Development Plan , Career First Aid and Open Bidding Procedures was held in a hybrid manner, namely online and offline. This event presented several speakers, namely; Drs. Zainal Arifin as Associate Expert Staffing Analyst for the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education, Diah Candrawati, SH,.MH, Policy analysis Associate Expert for the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Research and Technology and Hanjar Basuki, S.Kom, MM.

This event was opened directly by the Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta, Dr. Erna Hernawati, AK., CPMA., CA., CGOP. In his remarks, the Chancellor conveyed his hopes with this event, among others, that employee assessments could be carried out fairly. "So with the ideal SKP it is hoped that it can become an instrument for assessing employee performance in an objective, measurable and accountable manner so that they can be held accountable," said Erna

"With PP No. 30, I hope this is a regulation that can really be implemented and measures employee performance objectively between employees who really have contributed a lot to the institution and other employees whose performance is not the same so that the SKP that will be made later can show this. .”, he added.

The first guest speaker, Drs. Zainal Arifin delivered material regarding the Open Bidding Procedure for Filling the Positions of Higher Education Leaders. In his material, Zainal said that Government Employees with a Work Agreement (P3K) could only hold positions in the Primary and Middle categories, then for Functional Positions in the Skills and Expertise category. For positions with the Primary category, P3K cannot be occupied, but only for PNS. The legal basis for this policy is Law No.5/2014 concerning ASN and PP No.11/2017 concerning PNS management, and Permenpan RB No.15 Th.2019.

Diah Candrawati SH MH became the second resource person with material related to civil servant career development which is carried out based on qualifications, competence, performance appraisal and needs of government agencies through career development management by considering integrity and morality (Article 176 PP 11 of 2017). Other material is JPT selection (open), stages of implementing JPT filling, extension of position

The third material was delivered by Hanjar Basuki S.Kom., MM from the HR Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding employee performance management. At the end of the material delivery, a discussion session was held to provide an opportunity for all participants to provide questions and suggestions to the speakers present, then the event was closed by the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi. "I hope this can be understood by all, both lecturers and fathers and mothers of education staff in the UPNVJ environment. Regarding what has been explained, hopefully it can become a guideline for how we carry out staffing functions." Close it.
This event took place from 08.00 WIB to 16.00 and was attended by more than three hundred participants on the Zoom application and via the YouTube platform.


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